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Subject:Regions Lists
Posted by: Daytek_Blue
Date:12/3/2001 8:03:13 AM

I am trying to convert cda to wave files, this I can do using extract cda command.
Then the complete cda disk is converted into one big wave file, But this file will have maybe 500 wave samples.
Using the markers and regions list I can then convert these samples to individual wave files using the extract regions command.
My problem is that this can take a long time to drop markers for all these files. I know there is the Auto region command but this wont work as all the samples are of different lengths,
Anyone got any suggestions on how to make the task quicker?
I was thinking along the lines of been able to find a silence between samples and auto drop a marker...maybe this can be done...
All help / suggestions are greatly received.

Thanks in advanced.

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