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Subject:Batch Converter "Append to Name"
Posted by: Middle Audio
Date:10/28/2012 11:02:09 PM

Did a quick search and didn't see anything.

When using the Batch Converter and selecting the "Append to Name" function, you appear to only be able to add a suffix and not a prefix to the file names. I hope I'm just missing something and you can add something to the front of the filenames, but if I'm not it seems that this is something that should be added for greater functionality.

In prepping tracks, adding a prefix like a number or letter to the beginning of a file name is great help to arrange groups of files. Directories arrange filenames by the beginning, not the end. If batch converter could do this as part of that process, it would seriously help streamline the process.

I'm using Sound Forge 9.0

Subject:RE: Batch Converter "Append to Name"
Reply by: wwaag
Date:10/30/2012 11:42:46 AM

If all else fails, use some type of "rename" utility. There are lot's of free ones available. I use one called "Renamer". Allows you to add, replace, serialize, etc. in any way you want. I find this an indispensible utility for the very reasons you state.


Subject:RE: Batch Converter "Append to Name"
Reply by: Middle Audio
Date:10/30/2012 2:27:40 PM

Thanks. I'll look at that. It does add an unfortunate additional step in any processing, and that is why I think it would be beneficial to be included as an option.

Subject:RE: Batch Converter "Append to Name"
Reply by: ChristoC
Date:10/30/2012 3:42:47 PM

Generally when you append a "string" to another, you add it to the end of the former string.

What you want is the opposite, which correctly would probably be called "Prefix", but some have invented a new word = "prepend".

Look for a free utility called "CKRename 1.08" - will do almost anything with filenames.

Subject:RE: Batch Converter "Append to Name"
Reply by: Middle Audio
Date:10/31/2012 6:52:53 PM

Thanks. CKRename is very cool.

Hopefully in the future, some expanded functionality in the rename function in Batch Converter.

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