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Subject:Forge and Windows XP
Posted by: MiguelEttema
Date:11/30/2001 4:47:12 AM

G'day all,

Anybody tried to install Soundforge 4.0 on Windows XP? I have, and it won't. I can install the 4.5 version of Soundforge, but I can't install the noise reduction plugin I have... because it's the 4.0 version. Anyone know a workaround for this?

Miguel Ettema

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: gr00vechild
Date:11/30/2001 10:04:16 PM

im waiting to see how we can get sound forge on xp as well
i even tried puttin protools Le on XP and it wouldnt work so i broke down and bought a mac
let me know what ya find out

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: jgalt
Date:12/1/2001 4:37:30 AM

Miguel: I have not tried this with XP so I don't know if it works...

On Windows 98 I MUST install Sound Forge 4.5 before I install 5.0. Sound Forge 5 will not let me install 4.5 if I install 5 first.

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/1/2001 9:37:26 PM

"im waiting to see how we can get sound forge on xp as well
i even tried puttin protools Le on XP and it wouldnt work so i broke down and bought a mac
let me know what ya find out"

You broke down and bought a mac? Now does sound Forge work better on the Mac? I think upgrading to v5.0 of sound Forge and noise reduction DX 2.0 would be the smarter cheaper alternative than buying a new computer. 5.0 is supported under windows XP, 4.0 isn't and was discontinued before XP was ever thought of. If you're using older software don't expect it to be supported under a new O.S. on MAC or PC. I thought this was common sense. ProTools LE is not supported on XP either, or windows 98 for that matter. I believe the documentation for this says it runs on Windows NT exclusively. Read the system requirements for the software next time, it could save you a butt load of money and frustrations.

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: MiguelEttema
Date:12/2/2001 7:35:49 AM

G'day all,

Well, here's the update.

SoundForge 4.5 installs on Windows XP without a hitch.

Anything before 4.5 doesn't. Tried all compatibility modes under XP, and got bupkis. So my faithful noise reduction plugin of 5 years is now useless, and it looks like I am forced to upgrade.

Here's the question... will Sonic Foundry be providing a discount for upgrading from one version of a function to another? Seems a little rude to me that, since I upgraded my system, I have to fork out again for something that worked fine on my old system. I know, I know, nothing lasts for ever... *sigh*.

I just miss my Commodore-64... 11 years it gave me...

Anyway, thanks all.

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: Rahl
Date:12/2/2001 8:27:48 AM

Yeah, you get the 99$ price as an upgrade.

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/2/2001 10:43:30 AM

"Here's the question... will Sonic Foundry be providing a discount for upgrading from one version of a function to another? Seems a little rude to me that, since I upgraded my system, I have to fork out again for something that worked fine on my old system. I know, I know, nothing lasts for ever... *sigh*."

Did you ask the same question when you purchased Windows XP? Or did you say, everything works fine on my Windows 3.1 machine, it seems a little rude that Bill Gates would make me pay for Windows XP? In other words, no one forced you to upgrade to Windows XP and v4.0 worked perfectly on Windows 3.1,95, and 98, so why would SF be responsible for your decision when in the system requirements of supported OS's never listed Windows 3.1,95,98 and "any other OS you decide to install" ????

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: MiguelEttema
Date:12/2/2001 10:06:25 PM

Well done clever dick... I see you are into insulting forum users you know absolutely nothing about.

Here's a little info.

I live out in the sticks. The country. In a small town. I have Windows 95 on CD. My new system comes shipped with Windows XP. I couldn't get any other operating system, because the place I bought from is a Microsoft butt-lick that only provides the newest windows version, and it is the only place remotely close by to me that I could buy from, get the components I needed, and look at before I bought. In the small town I live in, people don't upgrade their systems regularly, if at all. So no-one has a copy of Win 98 or ME I could "borrow". But that is not a problem.

Now, I use other audio programs as well. They run fine under windows XP. Noise reduction v1.0 doesn't.

Now you tell me: Would you find it convienient to have to install a dual-boot system Win 95/WinXP, and have to be flicking between one and the other to get your work done, wasting a lot of time? I don't think so. Windows XP is a 32 bit operating system that is supposed to be compatible with all files running on an x86 processor system. There are even compatibility modes under XP that allow for this.

I have also been in touch with Microsoft, to see what they have to say about this.

You may be wondering; Jeez, if he can afford an entire new system, why can't he just buy the new version of noise reduction?

Truth is, I can't. My old system died a horrible death after 6 years of good service, and I was forced into a new system that I need, but can barely afford. I don't want to have to be buying more than I need to. And the other issue is, how do I know the new version of the NR plugin will work under XP? If I buy it, try to install it, and it craps out on me, I've spent another $200 AUS (yes, I live in Australia) that I really can't afford to waste.

So, in the future, keep your trap shut, and open it only if you have any useful or constructive advice.

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/3/2001 7:50:58 PM

Ok, next time goto the "Software" section of this website instead of the "User forum" and read "System requirements" under the specific software you want info about. Walah!!! a whole list of supported OS's for the software....duhhh...who would have ever thought to look under that section? And don't be whining about living out in the sticks, because obviously you have an internet connection and you can order anything you need over the internet and have it delivered to your front door porch, right next to the refrigerator and your toothless wife...I mean sister.

Nice thinking Billy Bob!!!

Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: MiguelEttema
Date:12/3/2001 9:49:52 PM

Now wouldn't it have been a whole lot easier for you to write a ten word answer stating: "Look under the software section, compatibility for OSs are listed."?

Ordering over the net is Russian Roulette... I like to see what I'm buying before I buy it, make sure I'm getting what I ask for, and the way delivery people treat packages in general, I wouldn't want to risk it.

I suggest you get a personality upgrade for yourself. I would respect a small amount of arrogance if you demonstrated a great degree of intelligence, but I question your intellectual abilities considering your use of sentence fragments and incorrect spelling of "refridgerator".

But, so I won't waste more of what you must consider to be your precious time, I will activate the ignore user option, and leave you to go on your merry, and likely lonely, way.



Subject:RE: Forge and Windows XP
Reply by: jgalt
Date:12/4/2001 5:44:59 AM

And rednroll crashed to the earth in flames.

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