
john_dennis wrote on 10/1/2012, 5:01 PM
Shooting in the dark here for lack of information about what you're doing, but

1) When you set up your project in Vegas, match media properties. If your source is 16x9 HD, then the preview in Vegas should be 16x9 widescreen.

2) When you render for DVD, use the DVD Architect widescreen template to produce a widescreen ~ 16x9 display.

No squish-o-vision should be required.
riverbed wrote on 10/2/2012, 8:13 AM
My camera is the HDR RX200 Sony Handycam, I have my movies rocording setting at HD FH. I record fast moving objects, I'm trying to get the higest moving settings I can get, right now all I can burn is full screen or widescreen DVD video. I'm putting my video in the higest HD setting I can, I hope to be able to burn high quality Blue Ray Disc one day. I can set my movies also to Standard HQ, but I don't know if the video would be good enough for HD Disc down the road. I have another video editing softwear that will let me use my HD vedios in standard DVD setting, I select a button that will strech the video to fit the standard window. Just like on your TV you can strech the movie to fit the whole TV Screen. I don't like the idea you buy a big screen TV and watch a movie in half the TV sreen. Thanks for any help with this subject.
musicvid10 wrote on 10/2/2012, 9:09 AM
Save your project and media in their own folder.
Then you can render for a DVD, BluRay, or whatever you want.
For now, render compliant MPEG-2 and AC3 audio for DVD Architect.
Rendering to HD for a standard definition DVD is a mistake.
The DVD standards are set in stone, and you are not going to change that by feeding it HD source.
Gary James wrote on 10/2/2012, 9:29 AM
One other thing to keep in mind. DVDA has the same source media independence that is built into Vegas. If you don't feed it native DVD compliant audio and video streams, it will add an extra step of first converting what you give it into a compliant MPEG video and PCM audio stream. This effectively performs a re-rendering of your Vegas output files.
Kimberly wrote on 10/2/2012, 9:53 AM

Is this your camera?

If yes, then your HD video is MPEG4 AVC/H.264 and your SD video is MPEG2. Your HD should be 1920 x 1080/60i. Here are some suggestions:

Project Properties

1. Open your Project Properties. Select the "Match Media" icon and select some footage that is the same as the stuff you have on the timeline. This tells Vegas what your media is and adjusts the project properties accordingly. This is highlighted in yellow in the upper right corner of the dialog box picture.

2. Check the "Adjust source media . . . " box if you wish. This only matters if your Project Template is NOT the same as your media. For example if you wanted SD Widescreen project properties for your HD footage, you probably want this box checked. Also if you have more than one kind of media on your timeline, you would probably want this box checked. I say "probably" because there are various reasons why you might not want this, but don't worry about that for now. This is highlighted in yellow near the bottom of the dialog box picture.

Render As

1. Open the "Render As" dialog box. Select the "DVD-Architect NTSC Widescreen video stream" template. This is highlighted in white in the dialog box picture.

2. Select "Stretch output video to fill frame size."

3. Note that will have have to render your audio separately using the DVD-A compliant *.AC3 or other format.

DVD Architect

1. Get a few DVD-RW disks from Staples so you can practice and reuse without wasting good disks. They only cost a few bucks. Ditto when you are ready to mess with Blu-ray but they cost more.

2. Make your DVD using the *.mpg and *.ac3 file from the "Render As" project.

3. See if this is to your liking. Revise as needed.

Also be sure to check out the free tutorials here, especially if you get stuck on DVD-A:

Hope that gives you a starting point.


riverbed wrote on 10/2/2012, 12:00 PM
Hi Kimberly,
Thank you for help, the link you sent be about my camera is correct. I'm rendering a file as I type.

Best Regards,
Tim Husted
riverbed wrote on 10/6/2012, 1:48 PM
Hi Kimberly,
I followed your instructions and it worked the DVD fill the whole screen on my TV. Now All I have to do is find a way to make the wind in my videos go away.
Again Thanks For Your Help!!

Best Regards,
Tim Hsted
Kimberly wrote on 10/6/2012, 3:26 PM

Glad to hear the DVD came out to your liking.

In my case, I take the coward's way out: I do video underwater so I mute all the audio and use mostly new-age type music as the background. If your audio is critical then that wouldn't work for you, but maybe it would work in parts of your project.

Have a look at the 8-Packs from ACID Planet. There is a new project every Friday and they are FREE. You can download the free editor, or buy ACID Studio from SCS on the semi-cheap. I use ACID Studio. Some of the 8-Packs are really good, some are not.

