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Subject:How can I get repeatable results?
Posted by: Doug_Marshall
Date:8/11/2012 9:34:40 PM

SpectraLayers seems to excel at what I want to do which is to split files into separate high- and low-pass files. But I don't get consistent results and sometimes have to do the same thing several times to get a clean split, without audible artifacts.

I'm using the Extract Area tool and put the mouse at the frequency where I want the split at the beginning of the file, let's say at 60 Hz, and shift-drag across the timeline to the end. Usually it works, but sometimes there are odd spots in the file where the sound changes suddenly and significantly, but shouldn't. You can see it, of course, as well as hear it. If I undo and retry, sometimes it'll be OK, other times not.

I can't tell whether this is a me problem or a software problem in this case. I've also noticed that sometimes the whole file selects itself, rendering dragging the mouse across the file pointless, and other times it follows the mouse across. What up?

Any suggestions?

Update: If I restart the program and do the above process it works as it should once or twice, then the problem returns..

Message last edited on8/11/2012 10:08:30 PM byDoug_Marshall.
Subject:RE: How can I get repeatable results?
Reply by: Mike / SCS
Date:8/12/2012 5:59:43 PM

Do you want to make bandwidth-limited selections, like this perhaps? Try the ‘Select’ tool.

Subject:RE: How can I get repeatable results?
Reply by: Doug_Marshall
Date:8/12/2012 9:00:33 PM

I'm sorry to be confused. I'm able to select an area with the Select tool (what I want is everything in the file below 70 Hz) but I don't see how to cut or paste it to a new layer; and the area is only faintly highlighted.

I've managed to use the Extract Area tool successfully, though not always predictably - I have to restart the program when I start getting uneven "banded" results - but the syntax of the Select tool escapes me! I see a vaguely highlighted area but it's definitely not extracted to a layer.

Subject:RE: How can I get repeatable results?
Reply by: Mike / SCS
Date:8/14/2012 1:51:29 PM

Check out the webinar, here you can see how to use the Select tool to copy from layer-to-layer. It's a little bit tricky, but you'll be fine once you get the hang of it. You’ll find that this is probably the best way to divide entire files by frequency.

Subject:RE: How can I get repeatable results?
Reply by: Doug_Marshall
Date:8/16/2012 9:55:30 PM

Thanks, I'll give it another look.

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