Help need an alternative to Matrox hardware compressor

PipelineAudio wrote on 11/19/2001, 12:34 AM
Part of a project was started on Ulead media studio, with a matrox g400 TV,and I need to switch to vegas on another computer with a matrox g400 dual head card.
The trouble is No matter how we render using different codecs in Ulead, it comes out looking like crap on the other PC. The only way it looks nice rendered is using the g400 TV's PROPRIETARY MJPEG compression.
How can I render in Ulead without being STUCK with matrox' format and still have a useable good looking video?


Cheesehole wrote on 11/19/2001, 1:58 AM
what are your choices for codecs?
Chienworks wrote on 11/19/2001, 6:40 AM
How far apart are the computers? Is there any chance they're on a
network together or that one could be moved to the other for a period
of time? You could just copy all the project files from one computer to
the other over ethernet.

Failing that, do both computers have firewire ports? You might want to
look into getting an external firewire hard drive. True, it's a little pricey,
but once you have it i'm sure you'll find good uses for it daily.

In either case, you'll be transferring raw source files at their best quality
and skipping the entire MPEG issue all together.
watti wrote on 11/19/2001, 6:56 PM
yOU JUST might be stuck in matrix or was it with MATROX