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Subject:'Varying timestretch'?
Posted by: jtuffen
Date:11/9/2001 10:50:17 AM

Anyone know of a plugin (that I can use with SF5.0) or program that will allow me to do a 'variable timestretch' over the duration of a file? What I mean is being able to have a sample playing at normal speed for 5 seconds, then *gradually* slowing down over the next 10 seconds until it is playing at half speed. An interface like the "pitch bend" process in SF5.0 would be great (I mean, that's pretty good - especially if you keep the duration the same) - In fact that process is so close to what I'm after.... rather than keeping the duration fixed and *vary* the pitch, I want to *vary* the stretch, but fix the pitch...

I have tried doing gradual successive timestretching, but it sounds pretty bad (and it takes a long time!!)



Subject:RE: 'Varying timestretch'?
Reply by: Jonah
Date:11/18/2001 10:51:15 AM

Yeah I wish SF has this feature too. But there are 2 things that I do to get this effect. 1. crossfade between two timestreches. This can sound all right some times.... Some times repeating this a couple times sounds interesting. 2. Use cool edit, I am pretty sure it can do it...

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