Good screen capture software?

Jessariah67 wrote on 8/1/2012, 3:28 PM
I'm looking for screen capture software. Snagit is cool, but doesn't play in Vegas. Camtasia has too much you're paying for that you'll never use - editing tools, etc. I just want to capture screen activity and be able to bring it into Vegas.

I tried FBmm, but it keeps giving me runtime errors and dropped frame alerts.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Duncan H wrote on 8/1/2012, 5:13 PM
Hi. I ran into the same issues. One (pretty affordable) option is FRAPS (

Not much customisation, it demands that you capture your entire screeen, but you can always crop later in Vegas. You also need a good sized USB ext drive or a spare internal as the capture files get very, very big, very quickly. That said, it works very well and edits well in Vegas.

Geoff_Wood wrote on 8/1/2012, 6:38 PM
SnagIt is a good one. Costs though ....

JohnnyRoy wrote on 8/1/2012, 6:54 PM
CamStudio is an Open Source project that I hear is pretty good. Personally, I use Camtasia because it works extremely well.

Gary James wrote on 8/1/2012, 10:20 PM
I've tried CamStudio in the past but I was never able to import the AVI files into Vegas. If I switched to using the Microsoft Video 1 codec I could record a file and import it. But that created a lousy video.
WillemT wrote on 8/2/2012, 3:09 AM
Why not try BB FlashBack Express

Edit: Always have problems with the links.

Frederic Baumann wrote on 8/2/2012, 5:37 AM

About FBmn Software Screen Recorder, did you try with the Lagarith codec (as shown on the demo)? and with its "enable null frames" option checked? With a reasonably recent PC, and a standard resolution (say 1280x720) it should not drop frames.

Hope this helps,
Frederic - FBmn Software
Grazie wrote on 8/2/2012, 5:58 AM
I have Fred's sw, and it's superbly flexible. I use the recommended Lagarith and that works beautifully. I'm looking forward to any additionality Fred is planning.


Marco. wrote on 8/2/2012, 7:08 AM
I use FlashBack Pro for many years now.
MozartMan wrote on 8/2/2012, 8:32 AM
Action! by Mirillis is the best screen capture software in terms of capture quality. Captured AVI file can be opened in Vegas and other apps for editing and re-encoding. Can also capture 5.1 surround sound. I have it and quality is the best.
Jessariah67 wrote on 8/2/2012, 8:51 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I tried Snagit, but it won't import into Vegas - it shows up as an MP3 file only.
Frederic Baumann wrote on 8/3/2012, 4:57 AM
Thanks Grazie :-)

Jessariah, if it may help, one of the reasons why I developed FBmn Software Screen Recorder was that I wanted to be able to edit my screen capture recordings in Vegas. The online demo video indeed has been done with Screen Recorder and Vegas.

Frederic - FBmn Software
richard-amirault wrote on 8/3/2012, 1:35 PM
Snagit is cool, but doesn't play in Vegas.

What "doesn't play"? I just did a quick test with Snagit 8 and it played in Vegas 10.