Your advice on my de-essing

Jeff Waters wrote on 6/28/2012, 3:28 PM
Hi All!
Just got back into podcasting after a long layoff. I picked up a nice mike, the Audio Technica ATR2100USB, whereas I had been using a logitech USB VOIP headset for previous episodes.

In general, I really like the sound-- but am detecting a very distracting/harsh S sound on my voice. You can hear it here (note: the harsh S starts happening more after the intro):

I kept my mouth about 3 inches from the mic, but did not use a pop filter. Would a pop filter have mitigated the S'ing without the need to do some sort of processing in Vegas?

If I have to attack this with Vegas, what plugins, settings, etc would you suggest?



paul_w wrote on 6/28/2012, 4:09 PM
In Vegas effects you have a Multi Band Dynamics unit.
In there you can select 'Reduce loud sibilants (de-esser)' preset. Try that in your audio chain.

You may need to adjust this because it sounds like its cutting too much high frequencies out, so try increasing the frequency 'center point' to a higher value away from the 5k default.

Using a pop screen wont help, that's only for air blasts like when you say the words "Blast" and "Pop".. P's and B's as its known. Its cuts the blast down and stops distortion at the microphone. Its a useful thing to use, but your audio actually sounds pretty good as is. Just fix the sibilants a little and you're good.

Jeff Waters wrote on 6/28/2012, 5:38 PM
Thanks Paul!
Laurence wrote on 6/28/2012, 8:01 PM
There's a free de-esser called "Spitfish" here:
paul_w wrote on 6/29/2012, 11:16 AM
ah, those look good. And seem to work with 64 bit too. Nice find!
