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Subject:editting out drum
Posted by: Styrerra
Date:11/11/2001 5:01:09 PM

I wish to edit the drums out of one of my own loops. What is the best way to do this? The drums are not that deep. quite tinny in fact. They do not exist in a different frequency, they correlate with what I want to keep :(

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/11/2001 9:57:23 PM

See the FAQ section on the question "Can I remove the vocals from a song?" You're asking the same thing. If these are your own loops that you created then you should have seperate audio tracks to recreate the loops without any drums mixed in, so you should have no problems with recreating your loops with no drums.

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Styrerra
Date:11/12/2001 1:26:36 AM

No it's a wav Rednoll. It's not that simple. Nevermind. No one can ask a questions no matter how new they are with you around.

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:11/12/2001 8:42:11 AM

Rednroll is correct. This cannot be done. Once you have a mixed file, there is no way to split it back into the original elements. It doesn't matter if you're talking about drums or vocals.


Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Styrerra
Date:11/12/2001 8:34:33 PM

That's the simple answer I wanted! THANKS!!. Rednoll just calls me and others idiots for asking questions and I don't need that.

I do save seprate wavs now but when I first started I tried to save the whole thing during realtime. I just wanted to utilize these without the drums.

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: MyST
Date:11/12/2001 9:19:55 PM

I've read Rednroll's answer to you, and I can't see where he even vaguely calls you an idiot. As a matter of fact, Ted H agrees with Rednroll, and you thank HIM!?!

Too much!

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Styrerra
Date:11/13/2001 1:03:37 AM

Previous Rednoll posts. He's just a bug to me now.

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/13/2001 9:25:55 PM

Hmmmmm, I thought I was being pretty damn cordial in answering his question and gave some pretty solid solutions on accomplishing what he needed. You know, I didn't even have to call you an "idiot", you pretty much proved that one all by yourself buddy. This must be the person who told me I needed to "go get laid" in a previous post? Yep....better go try that one yourself. By the way, you're welcome :-)

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: jdupre
Date:11/14/2001 12:14:29 AM

If you do not like Rednoll's posts, you can click the "ignore this user" link in the forum. Then you won't have to read his posts in the future.

Subject:RE: antagonism
Reply by: pb
Date:11/14/2001 7:24:00 AM

rednroll is one of the most knowledgable members of this group yet there seems to be some sort of paradigm that he is "rude"; he isn't at all, it's just that some people are far too sensitive (and don't bother reading the FAQs)


Subject:RE: antagonism
Reply by: MyST
Date:11/14/2001 9:09:19 AM

The problem is that by using "ignore this user", he won't get to see Rednrolls knowledgeable answers.
Therefore, he doesn't, then uses Rednrolls advice, and then proceeds to bitch and complain about Rednrolls "crudeness".
I for one say, keep it up Rednroll! I'm a newbie, I'm not a pro (although I play one on TV), and you've taught me to really try and come up with my own solutions before posting.


Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Styrerra
Date:11/14/2001 12:56:41 PM


As for utilizing one of his posts; dream on. I will come into it my own before I dare waddle in his sh*t.

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: CDM
Date:11/14/2001 2:43:47 PM

how do you brake someone's back? Is that when they're moving too fast?

sorry, couldn't resist. As for the silly back and forth name-calling - give that a BREAK.

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: MyST
Date:11/14/2001 5:27:30 PM

Sorry, couldn't resist THAT. :)


Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/14/2001 7:07:00 PM

Wow, this guy is just as entertaining as good ole baddy Victor.....except with only half the IQ. I will not have to deal with him as long as good ole Vic though, this guys not willing to take some good knowledge from someone like me who basically lives, breathes, and eats audio and put it to use. Rather than playing with Sound Forge and getting frustrated, he better start practing saying "Would you like fries with that?", because obviously any career in audio for him will be short lived with his reasoning. back!!! LOL :-)

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Styrerra
Date:11/15/2001 1:04:06 AM

You're Fat and Ugly

Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: MyST
Date:11/15/2001 6:27:18 AM

Well, lookin' at that last post...
We've officially hit bottom!!!
I say this thread is DONE.


Subject:RE: editting out drum
Reply by: Styrerra
Date:11/15/2001 7:02:54 PM

Alright. I'm sorry. But for someone like me it's still hard to not to hate so easily. But I am doing it.

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