A serious question to Sonic Foundry

bstaley wrote on 11/8/2001, 12:04 PM
After all of the criticism you've been getting on here regarding CD Architect, wouldn't it have much easier just to tell us that help was on the way in Vegas Video 3?

Anyhow, THANK YOU for not neglecting us CDA users. Would you mind elaborating a little bit on how CDA interfaces with Vegas? Will I still have to have Sound Forge XP 4.5 installed or can I run it from Vegas?


sreams wrote on 11/8/2001, 7:31 PM
Vegas Video 3 -is- CDA. CDA is not a seperate app.
bstaley wrote on 11/8/2001, 8:06 PM
I thought in the features of Vegas 3 it said it could open CDA projects. It didn't sound like it created them. Maybe I missed something.
sreams wrote on 11/9/2001, 5:40 AM
It imports them. Now you create CDA-style compilations and save them like any other Vegas project... as a .veg file.

Download the public beta and check it out.
