How to make one half of a clip transparent?

Geir-Inge wrote on 4/28/2012, 10:18 AM
I am trying to put two similar clips together as one, but can not figure out how to do it?
I have made a timelap of the horizon, sky and ocean. I want the sky/clouds to move fast but not the oacean, if you know what I mean.
So what I like to do, is to put on clip above the other, where the lowest clip is the one with timelap of the sky and the clip above is the one of the ocean. I have to cut one of the clips or make one half of it transparent. I have tried the cut and pan editor, but it wont work.
I need help to do this, anyone?


farss wrote on 4/28/2012, 10:21 AM
A bezier mask would be my choice. The documentation plus heaps of online info about the general nature of creating these should get you started.

ritsmer wrote on 4/28/2012, 10:33 AM
Maybe the cookie cutter because there you can hide the border between the two parts using some feather.
Byron K wrote on 4/28/2012, 1:17 PM
As Bob mentioned bezier mask w/ the same event on 2 tracks may be what you want to use. Here's a link to a sample I did on this clip at the 10seconds - 40 seconds. I had to adjust lighting for the sax player on the right, because he was in the picture window light and his lighting was blown out from the rest of the players.

If I feathered the mask it would have blended better with the rest of the clip, but you get the idea..

At the 25second mark you can see the players right elbow come out of the mask.
farss wrote on 4/28/2012, 4:36 PM
If the original sky is a cloudless clear blue then you can also try chroma keying it out.
