Subject:Trouble with Acid Pro 7 & CPU usage
Posted by: 519tbarr
Date:4/16/2012 10:46:17 PM
Maybe this is completely logical to the base out here, but i ran into a glorious situation with a track i was trying to mix recently. I admit the music ive been recording is a bit extreme when dealing with the number of tracks in the mix. ie: 400 in the current song im mixing. So i had attended the wonderful seminar recently about the mixing console for acid. I decided this seemed like a great idea for me to start using. Then came the problem... Once i bussed all my tracks to individual buses - my CPU started going nuts... Average on my PC was somewhere between 20-30 on the CPU usage side. It jumped to somewhere between 50 - high 60's and it was stuttering all over the place. So as i have been patiently waiting like everyone else on this forum for a SHINY NEW ACID PRO 8... hint hint Sony Creative Software I decided to read the tech specs which ive looked over time and time again. One thing in my tech spec's did not match up. Im running a Quad core Intel - 6 gigs ram (nothing to write home about.) I had not installed Quicktime on my system. My assumption was that Window's Media Player could cover that base. I immensly dislike uploading apple software to my PC. However - curiousity got the best of me, so I uploaded Quicktime 7... I ran my track with 400 plus tracks and low and behold... The CPU usage dropped down to 18 to 26 for an average. I wasn't running any plug in's but all my tracks were live and active. On a side note - i did update my microsoft .net framework which were all 3.5...'s Not sure if that had anything to do with it, but needless to say - it was a very pleasant surprise. Just passing along some info if anyone else has ever struggled with this. |