
monoparadox wrote on 4/10/2012, 8:38 AM
Yes. Shoot your subject with a green screen. Background, bottom layer. Titles, middle layer, Subject, top layer with the green screen dropped out using your chromakey effect.

ForumAdmin wrote on 4/10/2012, 11:12 AM
Tom's method would work, but it looks to me like the OP's example was shot on location. Instead of using a green screen, they've created a negative mask around the subject, and applied the mask to the text. When the text passes in front of the subject, it is masked out, giving the impression that it is behind the subject.

Hope this helps,
Rory Cooper wrote on 4/11/2012, 3:28 AM
There is an easy way by adding color corrector select mask and set your lumens tones and multiply mask

For more tricky stuff

On the first the red was dominant in the retained image but it also had blue tones same as sky so I could not use chroma key so I used channel blend distribute red channel then cut the blue and pumped the red then added mask gen fx

On the water clip where the background image has darks and lights simply use lighten composite on the png and any high lumens will automatically pop forward.

The duck clip same as first but a bit more fiddle but not enough check the tones from 0 - 8 are non exsistant on the mask so it needs more work, but you will get the idea.
So who ever said lol back at ya.
TeetimeNC wrote on 4/11/2012, 5:27 AM
Very impressive Rory. Any chance you could post the veg and source for download?

@ForumAdmin - how about SCS setting up a place on this site for posting tutorials and samples?

RobertVL wrote on 4/11/2012, 6:34 AM
Rory -
Your video editing skills and knowledge of Vegas are excellent.
Would you consider making some tutorials?
Rory Cooper wrote on 4/12/2012, 3:28 AM
Shot Jerry I can make up a veg with single images and zip and e-mail you “should be small enough from chain gang office.”

Robert thank you. If some tutorials can assist someone it would be a pleasure to do some. I will post some starting with Pro Type Titler.
In fact there is a very easy way to use it effectively and with ease, visually as well.
kraz wrote on 4/12/2012, 4:22 AM

I'd love to see that Veg too.

BrianJK wrote on 4/12/2012, 5:48 AM
Very nice results !!

I'd appreciate a copy of the veg too.

Gary James wrote on 4/12/2012, 8:21 AM
Rory, I think you'll find there are more people here who would like to see how you did this than you can imagine. I would certainly like to see how this was done.
Tom Pauncz wrote on 4/12/2012, 8:47 AM
As would I Rory.
You have an amazing talent for this.
farss wrote on 4/12/2012, 8:51 AM
I take my hat off to anyone who gets their head around the Channel Blend FX.

That's arguably the most potent tool in the Vegas arsenal and also the one with the worst GUI, well it doesn't even have a GUI. I'm certain someone could rejig the beast so a user doesn't need a degree in applied bistromathematics to use it.

monoparadox wrote on 4/12/2012, 9:24 AM
Bob, it didn't take long for me to reach the same conclusions.

RRA wrote on 4/12/2012, 12:50 PM
Hi Rory,

This subject sounds very promising. If I'm not wrong, you are tweaking with channels (color), until it is possible to make bold distinction between object and his background (in order to use then mask generator).

But can't understand, how to tweak ... could you provide some tutorial ?

Best regards,
FilmingPhotoGuy wrote on 4/12/2012, 1:39 PM
The mind boggles.
RobertVL wrote on 4/12/2012, 3:38 PM
Rory -
I'm really looking forward to your tutorials. And from reading comments posted by other members, we will all appreciate what you plan to share with us.
Starting with the Pro Type Titler would be great.

Thank you very much.
Laurence wrote on 4/12/2012, 4:52 PM
Rory, those look simply wonderful!
NicolSD wrote on 4/12/2012, 5:09 PM
Rory, count me as another one who'd love to learn from you.
Rory Cooper wrote on 4/13/2012, 6:57 AM

If we simplify it this image red/green/blue = RGB so the yellow is R252 G204 B18 or in CB R2.520 G2.0400 B1.800
So if we add distribute channel red then slowly increase G to 2.04 and Blue to B1.8 the following will happen

same workflow Chan blend fx + mask fx + multiply mask parent track

So I don’t crunch numbers but prefer to do it visually but checking your color sampler in color corrector will give you the numbers.

Saved veggie as is this time so i can send it.