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Subject:SF5.0d Merge L/R to Stereo
Posted by: BeachDog
Date:10/31/2001 10:27:10 PM

Since updating to 5.0d, I can't get the Merge L/R to Stereo command to work. I select the option in the Open box, then select the two mono files I want to merge, but they still open as separate mono files. This was working fine for me in 5.0b. Can someone try this for me?


Subject:RE: SF5.0d Merge L/R to Stereo
Reply by: pup
Date:11/1/2001 9:42:26 AM

I have the same problem. 5.0d is not flawless, I'm slowly finding out.

- pup

Subject:RE: SF5.0d Merge L/R to Stereo
Reply by: BeachDog
Date:11/1/2001 9:43:13 AM

FYI: This feature works fine on SF4.5h that I have installed on same machine.

Subject:RE: SF5.0d Merge L/R to Stereo
Reply by: pup
Date:11/1/2001 9:48:20 AM

Well, I still have 5.0b on another workstation just a few chair scoots away. Scary how these little things get overlooked during an update, though. Could have been worse.

- pup

Subject:RE: SF5.0d Merge L/R to Stereo
Reply by: BeachDog
Date:11/1/2001 10:50:43 AM

Yeah, I guess since I have an easy work-around with 4.5, I shouldn't complain too much.


Subject:RE: SF5.0d Merge L/R to Stereo -> go back to 5.0b
Reply by: pb
Date:11/1/2001 4:27:53 PM

Do as we did and revert to 5.0b. Lowers one's stress level.


Subject:RE: SF5.0d Merge L/R to Stereo
Reply by: jdupre
Date:11/7/2001 11:46:15 PM

Yes, I have observerd this too.

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