Current Market Share of NLEs

VanLazarus wrote on 2/26/2012, 3:54 AM
In the forums I noticed the following counts for threads per NLE in their workflow forum:
Apple 2880
Adobe 992
Avid 651
Sony 70

As Sony Vegas was the first NLE to support native RED r3d files, this is disappointing.... but it probably is an accurate indication of current NLE market share among indie film makers... although I'd wager the Apple numbers are dropping quickly and Adobe numbers are growing.

It would make a lot of sense if someone from Sony was on those forums helping anyone with a question regarding Vegas and seeing what people are looking for. There's no point in being first out of the gate and then not supporting those that use Vegas for editing RED footage.

Unfortunately, it seems that Adobe has closed the gap (and may even have surpassed Vegas) regarding RED support.


ushere wrote on 2/26/2012, 4:38 AM
as much as i'd like to be out there supporting vegas it's a pretty hard call to do so at the present time, well, at least with 11.

i am not knocking scs with this post, i find 11 workable, in as much as i know what's NOT working ;-( however, i think it would be a hard sell diving into a professional lions den and hoping to answer a great many unanswerable questions that we even have on this forum.

if, with the newly emergent interest of scs displayed herein, we / they sort out the most obvious problems, and nb get their act together with their titler, then i'd be more than happy to once again take up the role of active vegas acolyte...
farss wrote on 2/26/2012, 5:28 AM
Even without the issues of V11, Vegas will always be stuck as an also ran until it can work in a collaborative environment even in the indie world. Aguably you don't need anything apart from Vegas to get an indie out the door but until the sound person, grading person and the editor are using it, you come up against brick walls.

LoTN wrote on 2/26/2012, 5:46 AM
Unfortunately, it seems that Adobe has closed the gap (and may even have surpassed Vegas) regarding RED support.

I actually have r3d files that won't open in Vegas. No problem with REDcine...
paul_w wrote on 2/26/2012, 9:44 AM
Very few people seem to give a damn about about trying to help Vegas's public image by spreading the good word (including people from this forum too, with a few exceptions). This is exactly why Vegas is, and will stay - below the 3 A's. No sympathy for where we are. Sony should increase its NLE public image and we as happy users should do the same. Next to zero effort from both side results in zero image. Pretty simple really. Sorry.

rs170a wrote on 2/26/2012, 9:49 AM
...and we as happy users should do the same.

I use Vegas at my workplace as well as teach it to our Entertainment Technology students.
I've switched several (mostly Premiere) users over to it once they saw how easy it was to use.
No luck changing Mac users though :(

paul_w wrote on 2/26/2012, 10:03 AM
"No luck changing Mac users though"...

No surprise there.. Our PCs are black and beige, their's are silver... no competition really :)

deusx wrote on 2/26/2012, 10:54 AM
Maybe because Vegas users use better cameras than red one and have no reason to hang around that forum?
i am erikd wrote on 2/26/2012, 11:31 AM

"Maybe because Vegas users use better cameras than red one"

I'm assuming this was tongue-in-cheek.
Stringer wrote on 2/26/2012, 1:21 PM
People usually go to forums when they have problems..

I would suggest the lack of Vegas threads on that forum, would indicate that Vegas users are having fewer problems ...
Former user wrote on 2/26/2012, 4:16 PM
I just wonder what those numbers actually indicate. Does it reflect how many people use the software, or how many people desperately need help using it?

Having run large public message boards (a a professional sports leage) before, hot topics can be misleading.

Besides, I would have thought that most of the professional world (at least where I live) is primarily AVID. There are lots of indies using FCP, but they're now moving to AVID, Premiere, and a number I've spoken to are looking at Vegas -- it's about long term workflows. You can't have your platform just bait and switch like Apple did with FCP.

Fortunately, because I work in an independent environment, I can enjoy the luxury (and ease of use and speed) of Vegas. :-)
richard-amirault wrote on 2/26/2012, 5:25 PM
In the forums I noticed the following counts for threads per NLE in their workflow forum:

But those numbers have NO direct releatioship to the "market share"
JimboWHO wrote on 2/26/2012, 7:00 PM
The numbers are not nearly as lopsided against Vegas in DVX User & Cinema 5D forums.

RED is a pretty big time camera so the editing is gonna involve the pro NLE's too - the A's.

nedski wrote on 2/26/2012, 11:54 PM
My totally unscientific way of measuring software sales is to go to Amazon and check the "Amazon Best Sellers Rank:" on each piece of software.

Ranking number as of 12:45 AM February 27, 2012 are as follows:

Sony Vegas Pro 11 ranks at #1586
Adobe Premiere Pro 5.5 ranks at #1932 (CS5.5 Master Collection ranks at #1060)
Apple Final Cut Studio 3 ranks at #846 (I believe Apple only sells FCP X directly via download.)
Avid Media Composer 6 ACADEMIC ranks #4227 (I can't find the full version on Amazon.)

I wonder and/or doubt if any of these companies tells anyone their sales numbers.

I once tried to get a general sense of Adobe PhotoShop sales figures by asking the question on an official Adobe forum and I was rewarded with insults and nasty comments from the forum administrator!
GlennChan wrote on 2/27/2012, 1:28 AM
In higher-end production (which is what Red is good for), you are going to have different specialists working on the sound, online editing / finishing, colour correction, etc. So you need EDL export and OMF export. Vegas doesn't export to those formats in a way that works with other software.

So the Reduser forum numbers may not be that surprising.

Where vegas is REALLY good at is one-man army type stuff. The integration of audio editing, video editing, and basic/intermediate compositing tools are much better than in Avid, FCP, Premiere, etc. Perhaps the most profitable approach for SCS is to focus on what Vegas is really good at.