How to preview vertical 9:16 project?

essami wrote on 2/20/2012, 7:56 AM

I'm doing a project that I'm shooting vertically and that will be screened vertically. I shoot with the camera tilted 90 degrees counterclockwise and the end result will be screened on a monitor tilted 90 degrees counterclockwise as well.

Can I preview this in Vegas? Can I tilt the preview window without effecting the project output properties?



rs170a wrote on 2/20/2012, 8:13 AM
Starting with Pro 9, Vegas gave you the option to set your Project Properties to Landscape mode (90° CW or 90° CCW) instead of Portrait.

essami wrote on 2/20/2012, 8:18 AM
Im using VP10. Do you mean the output rotation in project properties?

If I do this the footage remains horizontal and I get black bars on top and bottom. If I also change the footage properties to 90° CCW and then render I get 1080x1920 which when viewed in television screen will give me black bars on top and bottom as well.

So what I need to have is for preview only, all the options I see in Vegas affect the final output as well...
Chienworks wrote on 2/20/2012, 9:11 AM
Vegas has no idea that you had the camera rotated. Go into Pan/Crop and rotate the cropping frame 90° there to fix it.

Or, far better yet, edit it as is, sideways, and turn the monitor 90° for proper viewing.