Subject:New to ACID MS8, matching BPMs to project
Posted by: thisoldDJ
Date:1/28/2012 12:42:56 AM
Just got ACID Music Studio 8 for Xmas. I've been learning on my own as I go on remixing songs using drum loops and sampled loops. i have set my project at 102 BPMs. I have an old acapella song I'd like to use and am having trouble stretching the vocals (and sometimes shrinking) to theproject tempo. I found some help on other sites, but amstill having problems. I put track markers every 4 beats and put hit markers on the vocals. When I try to adjust to tempo, the vaocals stay at the original BPM and stretch the loops and instruments to match the acapella track. The vocals range from roughly 98 to 109 (per 4 beat measure). Is there any way to make the entire vocal track match the project's 102 BPM. All the music is done! I've been stuck on this for a week. Thanks for any and ll help. Message last edited on1/28/2012 1:01:48 AM bythisoldDJ. |
Subject:RE: New to ACID MS8, matching BPMs to project
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/29/2012 3:04:18 PM
I'm assuming that you have the vocal track as Beatmapped? (The other two choices are One-shot and Loop; One-shot is the only ACIDized form of audio ACID does not timestretch in any way. Loop will eat your RAM if the sample is long enough.) I'm also assuming you accessed the vocal track's properties and added multiple tempo markers? (Can't remember offhand but I believe ACID Music Studio 8 has the same feature as ACID Pro 7 in regards to beatmapping a track with multiple tempos. Access the Beatmapped track's properties and click the "stretch" tab to get started.) Iacobus |
Subject:RE: New to ACID MS8, matching BPMs to project
Reply by: thisoldDJ
Date:1/31/2012 11:50:13 AM
Yes, I have my vocal track Beatmapped. I went to clip properties to stretch, but there are so many tempo differences (98 to 109) in eack 4 beat section I find it difficult to know how exactly to strech each one. Is there a video tutoral anywhere. BTW this vocal track is from the 60's era, no metronome! I'll keep trying. |
Subject:RE: New to ACID MS8, matching BPMs to project
Reply by: thisoldDJ
Date:2/6/2012 11:16:06 PM
Okay, I went to clip properties, opened Beatmapper and mapped the whole vocal track. I hit "M" on the vocal track to mark the downbeats and tried to 'Adjust marker to cursor (which was set at the Tempo marks). Still DID NOT work. I saw a tutorial on YouTube, but it didn't contain my specific needs. Any other options to try? I wish I could just click and drag/ stretch each Marker to the Tempo marker to match. My quest continues! Message last edited on2/6/2012 11:53:32 PM bythisoldDJ. |
Subject:RE: New to ACID MS8, matching BPMs to project
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/7/2012 2:34:09 PM
You've tried going into the clip's properties and clicked the "stretch" tab, then inserting beatmap markers on the waveform for each interval where there's a tempo change? As an example, take a look at the image below: ![]() The red markers are where I inserted Beatmap markers (by double-clicking in that area). Adjusting a marker to the right of the last marker adjusts its tempo for that section. What you want to do is align those markers where the downbeat begins for each instance where the tempo (slightly) changes. You might not have this feature in Music Studio 8; I'm assuming based on looking at the comparison chart that Music Studio 8 has this feature. |
Subject:RE: New to ACID MS8, matching BPMs to project
Reply by: thisoldDJ
Date:2/20/2012 2:53:04 AM
Thanks for the advice. The image really helped stretch the vocals in Clip Properties and I saved the track. Now how do I put the stretched track into my project? It still paints (or draws) the same way as before. The stretched clip varies every 2 beats (as low as 78bpm to 154bpm). I'm on another computer posting this. I will try to post my stretched clip properties and my project layout. Thanks again, one more thing done and learned! |
Subject:RE: New to ACID MS8, matching BPMs to project
Reply by: thisoldDJ
Date:2/20/2012 2:28:34 PM
OMG! By playing around, I figured out a simple (though not perfect) way to solve my problem without needing the stretching technique. I figured out I could erase a small piece in between breaks of the vocal track and highlight each individual segment, adjusting it to my drum track. It seems to be working fine. I will now figure out how to add reverb and/ or other FX to the track to cover and fill in the empty spaces I created using the eraser tool. Thanks again for the help. |