Rendering issue using in/out points for region

3dbproductions wrote on 1/15/2012, 3:19 PM
Hello. May have found a bug in Vegas 11.

I use the keyboard short cuts to set my in/out points for rendering. I often use the "j", "k", and "l" keys to control the speed for playing the video to determine the region to render. I have found that if I am going "backwards" to set the out point (that is the "j" key), then the resulting audio in the rendered file is incorrect. It actually sounds like it is playing "backwards". If I am moving forward to set the out point, then the audio renders correctly. I have seen this in both mpg2 and mp4 renders. I think that this may be a software bug. Anybody else seen this anomoly?

Thanks much!


jerald wrote on 1/16/2012, 10:59 AM
I wonder if you may have discovered a new clue on something I and others have found.

I occasionally (maybe 10-20% of my edit/render sessions) find that my sound is scrambled in the rendered video image. In those situations, I have learned to: save my project, close Vegas, re-open Vegas, re-render the video image. After going through these steps, the re-rendered video image contains correct (i.e not scrambled) audio. I hadn't noticed any pattern to the scrambled audio errors.

Have you been able to re-render correct audio after shutting Vegas down, re-starting Vegas, and then re-rendering?

3dbproductions wrote on 1/16/2012, 3:12 PM
It seemed to be random and infrequent that my renderings had "garbled" audio. I too would shut down vegas and restart and that seemed to fix the problem mostly - but not always. I too also rebooted my system with the same results as above.

I am quite confident that my issue happens when I set the "out" point of my render region when using the "J" key (moving backwards). When using the "L" key (moving forwards) to set the "out" point, the audio renders correctly. I have tested this multiple times in Vegas 11 on two different machines (laptop and desktop) that have very different configurations.

When your audio is garbled, does it sound like the audio is playing "backwards"?

Is there a formal way to submit a bug to Sony Vegas?
jerald wrote on 1/16/2012, 11:07 PM
Wow. Good job locating this apparently deterministic method of creating the scrambled audio artifact!

I just created 6 short output renders of loop regions created by two methods: 3 by striking 'O' (to set the loop 'out' point) during playback in the forward direction after pressing 'L' (scrub right), and the other 3 by striking 'O' during playback in the reverse direction after pressing 'J' (scrub left). The results exactly match the prediction based on your description.


The scrambled audio that I hear does sound 'backwards' sort of, but it sounds more like concatenated, very short segments playing 'backwards.'

I found a clip that I had rendered with the 'scrambled audio' (my term).
I placed it on the timeline of a new SVP 11.0 project.
I set the timeline cursor at the end of the clip & played in reverse via 'J.'
It didn't sound continuous. It sounds like there is possibly a merge of some audio with a delay between the two, and broken into short segments. Hard to describe.

re: "Is there a formal way to submit a bug to Sony Vegas?"
There must be, but I don't know the correct method.
john_dennis wrote on 1/17/2012, 7:20 AM
"Is there a formal way to submit a bug to Sony Vegas?"

Start here for Email Support.

I'm fascinated with your discovery, just haven't had time to try to reproduce it.
3dbproductions wrote on 1/18/2012, 9:54 AM
Thanks John.

Just submitted the "bug" to the e-mail technical support.

3dbproductions wrote on 1/18/2012, 10:48 PM
Just an update. The technical team responded to my bug and suggested that I get the new revision 520 for Vegas 11 (just became available today). The new version does NOT fix this issue and I fed back that information to them.

More data. I tried the same procedure on Vegas 9.0 (still have this one loaded on my machine) and the issue is NOT present. The "out" point setting works properly for the audio.

Seems to be contained to Vegas 11. Don't have Vegas 10 to try it out.