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Subject:clicks/pops when rendering to wav
Posted by: meskin
Date:10/15/2001 7:08:28 PM

I have done a few projects with acid and have had no problems... except now. My latest project is having problems rendering to wav. There are only 16 tracks, but when i render,and then playback the wav, the same track always gets these clicks and skips for 15 seconds or so, then it sounds fine. When i play the acd. file in ACID, there are no problems.
The only thing that i can tell that i have done differently is that i used "pitch shift" on a track (ironically the track that clicks) otherwise, i have done nothing differently from my other projects. Any ideas???

Subject:RE: clicks/pops when rendering to wav
Reply by: meskin
Date:10/15/2001 7:38:30 PM

Another note... concerning the same project is that i had previously rendered the project without the pitch shifted track in it. The wav file sounded fine. Then i added a track and pitch shifted it. Now when i render to wav, i get those pops N clicks in the wav file, and they only come up during that one track!(again, the acd. file plays fine in ACID). The extra track seems to be the problem, but why?!?! (it adds about 20,000 kb to the project)

Subject:RE: clicks/pops when rendering to wav
Reply by: SonicJon
Date:10/17/2001 9:02:12 AM

I would say that you have found out where the problem is. Now if I understand you correctly you are using the Sonic Foundry Pitch Shift Plug-In. Now instead of using that plug in, right click on the event that you want to pitch shift and then go to properties. You can adjust the pitch up to a thousandth of a semitone. If that doesn't fix your problem please email technical support

Subject:RE: clicks/pops when rendering to wav
Reply by: meskin
Date:10/17/2001 10:58:55 PM

Thanks for the reply Jon.

I had been using pitch shift in the track properties, not the plug in. Well i tried the event properties pitch shift anyway, but to no avail. I tried a few other things, and this is what i've found...

1) I solo'd the pitch-shifted track along with the drum loop track that overlaps it (for about 20 seconds)and rendered only those. Problem still exists.

2) I solo'd the pitch-shifted track only and rendered. No clicks or pops there.

3) I solo'd the pitch-shifted track and the overlapping drum loop track again, but this time i moved the drum loop track over so it doesnt overlap the pitch-shifted track anymore and wallah... no clicks or pops.

4) Then I set the pitch-shifted track back to normal (un-pitched it, per say) and solo'd it along with the overlapping drum loop track and tried that. Well it sounded horrible (the beats of course did not match up) but i couldnt discern any pops or clicks.

So for some reason, ACID does not like to overlay these two tracks if one of them is pitch shifted! Maybe I'll pitch-shift the drum loop track to match the other and see what happens. If anyone else cares to find out, I'll post the results as another reply to this thread... stay tuned for the exciting conclusion! (God i hate this...)

Subject:RE: clicks/pops when rendering to wav
Reply by: meskin
Date:10/18/2001 8:55:57 PM

Ahhhh! A kind soul has come forth and offered help! I thank you. You know who you are.

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