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Subject:An Acid "Clone"?
Posted by: SlowX
Date:10/16/2001 10:38:04 AM

Anyone out there play w/ Live from Ableton? It has some really nice features, although you can't get stuff into a mix from CD as far as I know...


Subject:RE: An Acid
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:10/16/2001 1:24:47 PM

I played around with the demo. Here are my thoughts:

It also doesn't look like an ACID clone to me. Rather, it looks like this software is geared more towards live performance rather than making an actual project to compose and save in different formats. More of a sequencer than anything.

I can't see anywhere in the demo or on the site that you can actually *save* a project in something like in MP3 format (???) or even WAV. (Other than the snippet of info that samples are created as 16-bit WAVs).

That being said, it's really not for me.


Subject:RE: An Acid clone?
Reply by: spesimen
Date:10/16/2001 5:05:40 PM

i messed with the demo and think it's excellent. you can of course mix down your results to a wav (although the demo doesn't let you do this.)

compared to acid there are pluses and minuses:

on the minus side:
* no direct burning. not really an issue since most cd burners include burning software anyway and for pro use there are packages that are 100x better. (i need to do real TOS work like with fades and stuff anyway.)
* seems a little tricky for arranging out specific loops and stuff like constructing beats from one shots.
* no directx - kind of annoying.

on the plus side:
* blows away acid's beatmapper - it's sample analysis works like the beatmapper should with arbitrary points instead of just one start point and end point. sort of like recycle but with no limit on length.
* blows away acid's technical stuff - ASIO support for like 9ms latency, very little gappping or skipping while playing, scrolling, auditioning clips, etc.
* easy automation of effects parameters (and any and all parameters for that matter)- with acid you have to do krufty workarounds with midi crap and vst effects hosted in something like amulet. acid's mix envelopes work nicely though.
* rewire support - lets you use stuff like reason in perfect sync with your loops and can easily record back and forth. acid doesn't like to do syncing with anything else in software, at least under win2k with sf's driver, ymmv. with live i was able to play and edit straight from the softsynths in reason with 10ms latency, while i had like a dozen loops playing, and the cpu was only at 20%.
* vst support - not a huge deal but handy.

overall they both have their uses, i'm going to be getting it when it comes out that's for sure. i still love acid's ability to do mass exports of every track to individual tracks.. which no other app has.. but if the full version of live works as well as the demo, it should become very useful and likely will displace acid as the primary app for this guy. crazy..

Subject:RE: An Acid clone?
Reply by: SlowX
Date:10/17/2001 11:24:22 AM

Thanks for the thoughts!

I also have some:

+ It's for Macs as well as windows, which is nice (being a Mac man at heart).

+ It has some great filters, like the vinyl emlulator/faker.

- Although it allows you to sample sounds from a CD, it doesn;t seem to allow you to add them to a mix. It will only add sounds from your hard drive. Hope that changes...

But, wow, it sure is fun to play with!


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