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Subject:Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Posted by: recordpusher
Date:10/12/2001 7:02:44 PM

I purchased 5.0 when it came out. After reading some topics in these forums, I have heard 5.0d mentiond. Is the a new upgrade with some bugs worked out?

I NEVER receive any notifications about any upgrades. I am still running the original 5.0 that I downloaded when I first bought the program.

SO whats the deal?

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:10/12/2001 8:14:36 PM

goto the downloads section - updates and download the latest version and also there they give you what has been added and what bug fixes there are. Look up to your top right of this website and you will see "Download", follow that link. Or you could hang out here asking questions and twiddling your thumbs, whatever works best for you. :-)

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:10/13/2001 1:01:20 AM

There should be a list of bug fixes on the main SF site. The main fix was the undo function taking too long.

I still run the first 5.0. Except for that one irritation all works fine for me in Win98 first edition.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: jgalt
Date:10/13/2001 5:04:00 AM

I think recordpusher may be referring to the fact that he had to "accidentally" find out about the availability of an upgrade. I "accidentally" found out by reading these forums but many SF owners don't read the forums. We can debate the fact that "Pros" will read the forums and those that don't deserve to have the software don't read them but, I believe since the latter paid their money, they are entitled to know of upgrades.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:10/13/2001 12:30:06 PM

It's usually up to the user to check for upgrades.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: PatrickL
Date:10/13/2001 6:23:01 PM

Another piece of advice: Check all your hardware for upgrades (and leave yourself a backdoor).

This includes your burner, soundcard, chipset, motherboard, etc, pretty much anthing else which would be taken off the computer. Should be on a list when you bought the computer or stand alone you bought yourself.

Some do fix bugs and make effective changes.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:10/13/2001 8:13:17 PM

When you register the software and fill out all the info, there's a check box that says, "Email me when there's a product update." So I suppose if you did that, then you would be on the mass emailing list to get a notice. If not, then who's fault is it? I don't think Sonic Foundry can afford to send out tech support to come hand deliver you an upgrade and install it on your computer for everyone and still keep the price of their software affordable.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: jgalt
Date:10/14/2001 10:49:20 AM

When I did put a check mark in the "Email me when there's a product update" I did expect them to do just that and was disappointed when I "accidentally' discovered an upgrade but never heard from SF. Otherwise, I always manually check for updates of products I use.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:10/14/2001 1:03:46 PM

They're might have been some mistake then. I "Accidentally" found out there was an update by checking the Downloads Update section. I didn't find out through the forums. I found this information where it would be expected to be found....Downloads, updates!!! This is also where I find driver updates for things like my sound cards, and Scsi cards. The hardware device companies don't contact me when there's a driver update or firmware update. Microsoft doesn't contact me when there's a new Windows fix. It's my responsibilty to go get this information. Now you gonna go whine to Bill Gates too, because he didn't send you a personal email that there was a windows media player update?

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: MyST
Date:10/14/2001 6:17:47 PM

What, there was a Windows Media Player update?!? ;)

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: ashdown
Date:10/15/2001 5:06:46 AM

> Microsoft doesn't contact me when there's a new Windows fix... Now you gonna go whine to Bill Gates too...?

If I'd registered the software and checked "Email me when there's a product update.", then yes.

It seems incredible to me that any company should have permission to send further information to a customer and not take advantage of the fact, especially when there's minimal expense involved.

I'm surprised you're defending Sonic Foundry on this one.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: Styrerra
Date:10/15/2001 12:01:33 PM

"> 'Microsoft doesn't contact me when there's a new Windows fix... Now you gonna go whine to Bill Gates too...?'

If I'd registered the software and checked "Email me when there's a product update.", then yes.

It seems incredible to me that any company should have permission to send further information to a customer and not take advantage of the fact, especially when there's minimal expense involved.

I'm surprised you're defending Sonic Foundry on this one.<"

I agree with your third paragraph but otherwise you are saying it's okay not to do things for yourself and rely on the initiative of others to get things done for you. Only people who line up at welfare offices trust other people to get things done. Don't trust the system, be wary. :P

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: recordpusher
Date:10/15/2001 10:43:27 PM

thanks jgalt. I did also 'check' the box for product updates, but never heard anything about updates.

I will now goto the download page and check it out.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 5.0 upgrades?
Reply by: homerg
Date:10/18/2001 1:51:06 PM

Girls, girls, please quit bickering. Gosh, what a couple of Marys. What, are you his mother. If you don't like the posting "change the station".
I found the update by mistake too. By the way, I also own Protools LE and get updates in the mail all the time. So it's not unusual to be notified by the software company of updates or upgrades.

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