PA 2.0 and BackPak-1

3dbproductions wrote on 12/13/2011, 11:51 AM

I installed PA 2.0 for evaluation (have been a user of 1.0 for a while). I am getting some sort of error saying that BackPak-1 is currently not licensed. What is this?

BTW: I am using Vegas 11 since I recently upgraded to get the GPU acceleration.

A separate question. Does PA 1.0 support vegas 11? I don't see it as an option when running PA 1.0 outside of Vegas. All the features that I love do appear to work within Vegas 11 (ducking, gap removal, etc).

Thanks for any help..


JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/13/2011, 6:53 PM
> "I installed PA 2.0 for evaluation (have been a user of 1.0 for a while). I am getting some sort of error saying that BackPak-1 is currently not licensed. What is this?"

PA 1.0 and 2.0 share the same BackPak-1 code. I assume the demo may have overlaid your paid version. Try using your PA 1.0 license key and see if it solves the problem. If that doesn't work, try re-installing PA 1.0. That should re-establish your original BackPak-1. If not, send an note to our support email and we'll look into it with you.

> "A separate question. Does PA 1.0 support vegas 11? I don't see it as an option when running PA 1.0 outside of Vegas."

PA 1.0 has no knowledge of Vegas Pro 11.0 since it was discontinued when Vegas Pro 10.0 shipped and PA 2.0 was announced. You'll need to get PA 2.0 for it to recognize Vegas Pro 11.0.

> "All the features that I love do appear to work within Vegas 11 (ducking, gap removal, etc)."

Yes, it will mostly continue to work in Vegas Pro 11.0. You may see some odd things like plug-ins showing up in lists multiple times because Vegas Pro 9.0 only listed plug-ins once but Vegas Pro 11.0 places the same Sony plug-ins in several categories so we had to add code to PA 2.0 to filter out duplicates which PA 1.0 doesn't have.

Overall it works, it's just not supported.


VASST Software
3dbproductions wrote on 12/16/2011, 1:37 PM
Hi JR,

Thanks for the help. I ended up removing both PA 1.0 and PA 2.0 from my system. Then re-installed PA 2.0 (trial version) and was still getting the error. Then I installed PA 1.0 (with the serial number that I have) and that seemed to do the trick for getting PA 2.0 to work. Weird. Anyway, I tested it out and have now upgraded to PA 2.0. The template generator, being able to pull data directly from my SDCard (from my NXCAM), and support for Vegas 11 were the convincing factors for me.

Thanks again for responding on this forum.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/19/2011, 4:07 PM
You're welcome. I'm glad you like the new features. Let me know if you have any ideas for future versions. ;-)


VASST Software