
Markk655 wrote on 12/12/2011, 8:28 PM
In trimmer, use 'I' and 'O' to set in and out. Then drag clip in trimmer to timeline. Right clicking also also allows you to select just the audio or video. If that doesn't work, see here
Richard Jones wrote on 12/13/2011, 4:17 AM
Pressing A will add the Trimmer selection after the cursor on the Timeline (Shift + A puts it before the cursor). Tab allows you to select video or audio alone for transfer (in the Pro version anyway).

ArtfulCodger wrote on 12/13/2011, 6:16 AM
Didn't really answer my question.

But I guess it can't do it then. A great pity.
vkmast wrote on 12/13/2011, 6:36 AM
Artful, would this be of any help, although I see Markk655 already gave a hint?