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Subject:need a serial number, please help
Posted by: siphon
Date:10/9/2001 8:51:59 PM

hello, i need a serial number if you want to give me one, send it to, please help, i really want acid, i have songs ready to create as mp3's there gonna be huge, please send a serial number anyone, please, thank you.

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: PatrickL
Date:10/9/2001 8:59:06 PM

hee hee

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:10/9/2001 9:21:31 PM


Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: siphon
Date:10/9/2001 11:03:45 PM

im serious man, i need a flaggin serial number

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: Chevast
Date:10/9/2001 11:16:38 PM

Hmmm.... when you buy the program the serial number should have been included. Perhaps you should contact SF and let them know of your problem.

Hope I helped.

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:10/10/2001 9:40:35 AM

If you purchased the program already and lost your serial number, call 1-800-577-6642 and we will look it up and give it to you. If you did not purchase the program, you must do so to get a serial number.


Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:10/10/2001 1:08:22 PM

Here's a number for you: 1
Hope that helps....

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:10/10/2001 3:01:31 PM

You got pretty big stones to be asking someone to give you a serial number on the companys site,

You Crazy Man

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: CDM
Date:10/10/2001 5:20:52 PM


Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: MyST
Date:10/11/2001 6:39:25 AM

You can't get one at this site, however, check out!

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: siphon
Date:10/11/2001 7:38:09 PM

ted. i don't have 350$ man, i need this program bad, is there any way i could work out a deal with sonic foundry so that i coud like advertise for u guys or something and u just give a serial number o i can save my acid projects??????

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:10/11/2001 9:10:11 PM

So, you need a serial number because you can't afford Acid?? For God's sake-- go out and buy Acid Techno or DJ. It's $30.
Otherwise, I am curious-- what makes you think that we'll give up a serial number that WE paid for? Are you actually THAT much more talented than me, or anyone else here for that mattter... so much more talented that you deserve it for free?
Give me a break!

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:10/11/2001 10:02:14 PM

If you really want Acid Pro that bad you can go to Mars Music and it cost about $130.00 and they will let you put it on layaway and you can pay it off $20.00 a week surely you can afford $20.00 a week

See ya,, Rockit

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:10/12/2001 9:32:06 AM


Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: nvp1200
Date:10/12/2001 2:11:53 PM

Okay dude, since the previliged are not willing to share to those who cant afford the program and believe they have a triple platinum hit in their possesion...I will give you mine since i dont use it anymore!


Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: Rahl
Date:10/12/2001 10:44:42 PM

Oh did you know? You could get Acid for free in the form of Acid XPress... that doesn't require a serial!!!

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: siphon
Date:10/13/2001 5:14:02 PM

yes but you cant make them .mp3's sadly.

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: PatrickL
Date:10/13/2001 6:17:34 PM

get a free program like music match and convert it???

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: siphon
Date:10/13/2001 6:37:31 PM

i don't think mm works with .acd files, and thast all that you can save as i acid xprs

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: RobRockTheHouse
Date:10/14/2001 11:26:51 PM


have a good one!

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: Rahl
Date:10/15/2001 5:11:07 AM

Well if you want to save in Mp3, then go to and they are offering another free version of Acid entitled simply Screenblast Acid. You can find a Sonic Foundry Creation Suite that features streamlined versions of Sound Forge, Video Factory, Acid, Siren and Viscosity.

Subject:RE: need a serial number, please help
Reply by: meskin
Date:10/15/2001 7:19:49 PM

What the hell, one more reply to this moron wont hurt...

use this number "867-5309"

(let me know if it actually works...)

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