
Geoff_Wood wrote on 11/11/2011, 3:29 PM
Pity it wasn't 11 degrees as well !

FWIW I turned 42 on 9/9/99 - that's pretty cosmic too - you know, the '42' thing. 9 also figures a lot in other aspects for me, and I often glance at the clock when it happens to be 9:09 (like the beatles song).

My (very) elderly mother's favourite number has always been 11 , but she did not win the lottery yesterday ;-| ....

At least there is one day every year (until next year) when you yanks don't mess up the more rational date format ;-) (dd:mm;yy)

Chienworks wrote on 11/11/2011, 3:50 PM
Eh. Not so big a deal.

Now, the date 899 years and 353 days ago was much more impressive!
johnmeyer wrote on 11/11/2011, 4:10 PM
Pity it wasn't 11 degrees as well !Being an engineer, I am always doing calculations. As I was awaiting the "cosmic" moment, I looked at the outdoor temp (53.1º F) and suddenly realized that it was in fact 11º C (11.7º, to be exact).

If you really want cosmic, did you know (I didn't until just now) that 52.00º F is 11.1111111º C? So, if the outside temp had dropped just a little over one degree, I might have been transported into a parallel universe.

It is fun being a geek.
im.away wrote on 11/12/2011, 12:19 AM
Then, how do we know we are not already in a parallel universe?

Ahhhh, but we are in a parallel universe already. My posts to this forum magically cross the Great Divide and mysteriously end up posted word-for-word in another time and place called the SonyTalk forum. There I am known as "NAkeshIa BENNETT" and have also undergone gender reassignment (not a bad looker, from what the avatar shows!)

If you wish to experience this transition through time and space you can do it at


ushere wrote on 11/12/2011, 1:08 AM
well i'm lily in the other universe - and i have to say i'd probably be spending a lot of time in front of a mirror ;)
rs170a wrote on 11/12/2011, 1:28 AM
I'm Emma Louise Adams over there and I look pretty hot if I do say so.
BTW, it's already Monday Nov. 14 in that universe.
I wonder if I can link to the stock market reports from that site?

im.away wrote on 11/13/2011, 6:29 AM
OK.....can somebody cue the theme music to the "Twilight Zone". Something really strange is happening in the parallel universe. My Alter ego, aka "NAkeshIa BENNETT", is also posting the same stuff as "anatavism/Andreas" is posting on this side of the Great Divide.

Now I'm wondering if "anatavism/Andreas" and I are the same person or whether it's possible for two people from this side to meld their inner cosmic beings into one person on the other side? Confusing. Spooky even! Goes to show that one should never delve into the spirit world....or parallel universes.


Russ....or should that be anatavism?
ushere wrote on 11/13/2011, 6:53 AM
where's my oiuja board...... i wanna contact myself and make a date.....