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Subject:tell me step by step
Posted by: poetics101
Date:10/7/2001 12:00:47 AM

I have been using acid for years and this never happen to me. When I'm ready to record i see the monitor and i'm getting more juice on my left then my right and my audio comes up distored cause the left is hitting the high levels. I tried to check the volume control on my windows but that is not the problem. Is there anyway I can get the levels back the same?

Subject:RE: tell me step by step
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:10/11/2001 6:36:30 PM

From my experience, I would guess that the difference in levels between the right and left channels while recording will turn out to be a physical one. What kind of a sound card are you recording into? From what source? Is the connection analog or digital?

Subject:RE: tell me step by step
Reply by: synthman1128
Date:10/12/2001 1:09:47 AM

you said you checked the "volume" but did you checked the "balance"?

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