I did it, CD Architect, AND WINDOWS XP

TheMiracle wrote on 9/18/2001, 1:45 AM
WeLL Well EveryBody, As I Promise, I Manage To Write The Regestry Settings, So Now all you have to do is download the compatibility tool from Here (copy and paste)


Or Here And Choose Download:


And Then Install, this app, choose from the start menu, QfixApp, now double click in the win98, and then choose the forge32.exe file, run cda, and it will say that will write the registry Bla bla bla, yes to all, close sound forge, in the Forge32 properties, in the compatibilty solape, run like win98, and you are done, it will make your suported drive mmc atapi, scsi compatible The Default For EVER, Happy Burning In XP, The Thanks Goes To Me
My Mail



sreams wrote on 9/18/2001, 12:48 PM
Actually... if you are running RC1 or RC2 of XP, all you have to do is run forge32 in Win98 compatibility more. No downloads are required.
TheMiracle wrote on 9/18/2001, 10:18 PM
You Are Compleaty Wrong, Becouse I Have Test What You Said (It Seems the easiest way to do so) so i think is a little tOO Stupid for me to say that you have to download the Compatibility Tool, If You Have NOT, I Run RC1 (2499)And RC2, and let me tell you that Neither Work, With any Of The Compatibilities, if you run it with win98 comp. the message was the same, but forge32, refuse to write the registry becouse the administrator privilegies (even if you were one) so GET Informed, before you act like some kind of MR. Know It ALL.
sreams wrote on 9/19/2001, 12:42 AM
This is all I had to do on my own RC2 machine and another RC1 machine today. It works without any other intervention. I'm not making it up. If it doesn't work for you, that is unfortunate. No need to be a baby about it.
kryten wrote on 9/19/2001, 12:47 AM
No shouting matches, please! It's not necessary, not to mention childish. I have gotten CDA to work in XP WITHOUT using ANY compatibility workarounds. It works just fine in XP native mode.

I started with a fresh install. This is going off-topic, but it makes a difference. Anything since Win95 (maybe even earlier) wrote code to the boot sector. I came across issues with a modem driver long ago that caused problems when reformatting the drive and doing a fresh install. The problem was solved by writing zeros to the drive with a disk management utility from the drive manufacturer (some manufacturers call this "low-level" formatting or wiping the drive). Running fdisk and deleting all partitions (including the primary partition) and then recreating them made no difference. Simply reformatting a drive is NOT the same thing as starting with a brand new drive. The boot sector is still there and contains code from the previous installation. I know this sounds weird, but all issues I've EVER had between a format/install and a write zeros/fdisk/format disappeared after writing zeros to remove the boot sector.
TheMiracle wrote on 9/19/2001, 10:00 AM
MMMM, OK My Apologies ;], maybe this happens becouse the xp is still in development and there are some things to work it out, well again, I'm Sorry.
kimbo wrote on 9/26/2001, 3:26 PM
Hi there,

I've tried everything you suggested & I can't seem to get past the 'you do not have correct priv.' even though I'm logged in as Admin - also, tried to install Power DVD - still no joy. Is there a reg string I could add?

Help.. please..
TheMiracle wrote on 9/26/2001, 10:14 PM
I really Don't know what is happening, all i know is that those thing i told here Was what i have done to run cd architect, even i know that what i posted here isn't working, and yesterday, that i re installed a clean install of xp, i did what is written here, but nothing happened, i was about to burn my pc, I installed the full version of Power DVD Version 3.0, and then, i ran Sonic Foundry In Compatibility With Windows 98, and saw my drive, Im Really Lost, Well If I Manage to Know What The Hell Write The Power DVD Into the Registry To Make My Drive Abatible, I Will be Posting It Here
kimbo wrote on 9/27/2001, 11:28 AM
Thanks - I've tried for days now & still can't seem to get anywhere. Guess two heads are better than one right?
CakeHole wrote on 9/29/2001, 3:15 AM
"Two heads are better than one" , unless the other
is a Miracle "****Head"!! Get a grip or Post somewere else!
There are plenty of other Forums out there for the likes of you!
This one is for serious and courtious users.
Sreams should have ripped you a new one, but to his credit (and ours)
he didnt. Waisting my breath (you can't polish a TERD)
TheMiracle wrote on 9/29/2001, 10:04 AM
"This one is for serious and courtious users",
It Seems You Are Not One Of That Kind
kimbo wrote on 9/30/2001, 2:36 PM
OK guys - stop the abuse. here's how to do it.
Adaptec have released a patch to force update ASPI dirves....


Read the page but ONLY use this in WinXP - Drive majocally appears.. TOPS!

Let's help each other - give & you shall recieve.
dcomo wrote on 9/30/2001, 7:00 PM
I went to that page on Adaptec's website and read the explanation of the update.
Now, since this topic started, I've said that I thought it to be an ASPI driver
issue. However, this driver says only use it on Windows 9x and NT. XP is more
like 2000 than NT.

I don't trust it. If it was posted on Adaptec's site explaining that it was
XP compatible, maybe I'd feel a little more comfortable with it. For right now,
I am just going to stick with CDPBurn to burn my project files.

Has anyone else installed this into XP??
TheMiracle wrote on 9/30/2001, 8:12 PM
..........and nothing bad happened, and if you are unsure of what your doing, just before installing it, run system restore and create a restore point, so if anything unwanted should happen, you can revert what you did, but it was ok for me, although i already have cda running on xp platform. Good Look ;] Luck
kimbo wrote on 10/1/2001, 4:07 AM
Hi folks.
I wouldn't have put up the link if I hadn't run it & installed it.

Like you say, you can always create a restore point but there's very little damage you can do.

So, that's how you do it. Enjoy.
Ted_H wrote on 10/1/2001, 10:13 AM
Come on guys, let's not bicker. Please be respectful to everybody else in the forum. If somebody says something that you don't like, ignore them. That's what the "Ignore this user" button is for.

TheMiracle wrote on 10/1/2001, 7:54 PM
Tonehenge wrote on 10/2/2001, 10:51 AM
got news buddy...I've have had CD Arch running in XP for a month...I posted my solution (yours of course) to usenet...
TheMiracle wrote on 10/2/2001, 8:31 PM
Give Me The Addres or post A Link, So I Can Check it out , And see it, Thanks For The Post, And Good Luck
TheMiracle wrote on 11/7/2001, 9:12 AM

i do not understand you peoploe???????????!!!!!!!!!!!, why do not you JUST INSTALL Power DVD ver 3.0 OEM, that will fix all your ide atapi problems.

LoungeLizzard wrote on 11/7/2001, 12:48 PM
Hi Miracle,

Why install more programs that screw with the registry. The cleaner the system, the better. By the way, your method works everytime so what's the prob?