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Subject:Can't use Create a CD in XP 5.0
Posted by: ohmboy2001
Date:9/23/2001 10:36:58 AM

Maybe you guys can help. I have had Soundforge XP 5.0 for a while now and have used it for editing music and recording cd's. But I just installed a new motherboard, and now my XP 5.0 won't work in the Create a CD Mode. I've selected my CD-R/R-W drive under preferences for Create a CD, but it still won't record, although it will take music off a cd in this drive. I've already made sure everything was okay with the drive under ControlPanel, so I don't think that's the problem. Any suggestions?

Subject:RE: Can't use Create a CD in XP 5.0
Reply by: kryten
Date:9/23/2001 11:53:38 AM

I had this problem once. Make sure you have a blank CD in the drive. I thought mine was blank, but it wasn't! This caused the write option to be unavailable.

Also, make certain you have the latest drivers for your new mobo. You said you went thru control panel, but make sure that DMA is checked for your CD-R.

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