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Subject:Sonar much, much better with midi.....
Posted by: westside
Date:9/19/2001 7:05:01 PM

(Meant as a reply to Sonar with Acid Post)

I generally use one or the other....Acid is great, but very disappointing with sync/ matter how SF spins it.... If I use just loops, than I use ACID, but anytime I use anything with midi + loops, I turn to Sonar every time....

Using midi with acid is a HUGE pain....You can't edit anything..... seems like a waste.

Subject:RE: Sonar much, much better with midi.....
Reply by: Maruuk
Date:9/19/2001 7:52:32 PM

Hey Westside, ever use the multitrack audio component of Sonar? Also, doesn't Sonar come with various synths and sampler plug-ins?

Subject:RE: Sonar much, much better with midi.....
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:9/19/2001 8:59:00 PM

So you're saying that if ACID had the MIDI capabilities of Sonar, you'd be sold? Sounds like you like the loop abilities of ACID better, judging from your post.

Personally, if SF was to make a MIDI sequencing package, I'd want it to be kept separate, much like Sound Forge is kept separate if you wanted to edit/create any sounds for use with ACID. I don't want the interface to be any more cluttered. ACID is what ACID does, and that's loop based music creation.


Subject:RE: Sonar much, much better with midi.....
Reply by: nvp1200
Date:9/20/2001 10:46:42 AM

Thanks for the reply...yeah i just really find it much harder taking a sound from an external module recording it as a wave then using the beat mapper vs. editing, snapping and saving midi w/ channels and banks. Guess I'll have to use both as well. Peace!!!

Subject:RE: Sonar much, much better with midi.....
Reply by: westside
Date:9/20/2001 12:00:02 PM

Like I said, Acid does do looping better than Sonar, does that mean we shouldn't ask for better features????

I can't tell you how many times I will have a great ACID project going and wished that I could add a few midi lines.... and considering what a pain in the ass that is, I usually go over to Sonar. Lately if I think I have ANY midi in my projects, I bypass ACID alltogether. That seems silly to me... That's all I am saying.

Subject:RE: Sonar much, much better with midi.....
Reply by: westside
Date:9/20/2001 12:10:19 PM

Yes and yes....Although I am having some difficulty with my soundcard drivers/latency/Windows I don't really use my softsynths much. In fact, my cpu that I run Sonar with needs a big overhaul... I have a lot of IRQ conflicts, and Sonar is not liking it... Too many crashes...Maybe that's why I still use acid a lot......Doesn't really crash much, I use it on a seprate cpu, so maybe that's why...

Subject:RE: Sonar much, much better with midi.....
Reply by: synthman1128
Date:9/21/2001 11:05:27 PM

I bought Acid because I wanted to write loop-based music. I really dont care about midi. I like to manipulate audio better than midi. Plus, the idea of Acid having midi capabilities just doesn't sound right. Those two just don't go together.

Just my two centavos.

Subject:RE: Sonar much, much better with midi.....
Reply by: ozzborn
Date:9/22/2001 2:00:53 PM

why dont you sync acid up to a sequencer with hubis midi loopback device.i sync acid 2.0 up to reason and than record the midi as wave files. than when my project is just about complete , i save it than open it up in acid 3.0 and mix in there.

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