Screen Capture of Google Earth Fly Overs

eightyeightkeys wrote on 8/26/2011, 12:23 PM
Does anyone know of a very good quality, reliable, stable application that will screen capture Google Earth Fly Over Animations ?

I've tried various applications including FRAPPS, BSR Screen Recorder and another...which I forget now, but, was equally unreilable to the previous two....crash upon crash with very poor resolution.


Former user wrote on 8/26/2011, 12:38 PM
For licensing reasons you need to be using Google Earth Pro. With it you can use the steps outlined in the following link to record movies in various formats and resolutions: Making Movies with Google Earth
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 8/26/2011, 12:49 PM

I used World Wind and made sure to only show the open source content which as far as I'm aware was allowed legally. Then to ensure smooth frame rates at the time, I exported it through an output and recorded it on an external device and then just transferred that back in.

That was a couple years ago, maybe they have some sort of animation export ability or something now?

Anyway - much cheaper than $400 if you're needs don't require everything Google Earth Pro has to offer.

LReavis wrote on 8/26/2011, 3:03 PM
I also use World Wind. But I capture at 1/2 HD with Camtasia. Given that the images usually are rather blurry, the reduced resolution doesn't much matter. This procedure works well on my fast computer (6-core 970 @4+ gHz). Don't know how well the screen capture would work on a slower computer . . .
Laurence wrote on 8/26/2011, 3:15 PM
Wow, Google Earth Pro is $399! Can't they give it to me free in exchange for me letting them spy on me?
Byron K wrote on 8/26/2011, 5:55 PM
Cam Studio AVI Screen is a pretty good free screen capture app. It captures in AVI uncompressed so the files are huge. Vegas has a hard time with the video format so I just reconvert to mpg using Media Coverter and get good results for screen caps. If you do use AVI Screen be sure to change the frames/sec because I believe default is 4fps. (: