DNxHD Render Crash

Robert Smith wrote on 7/21/2011, 6:56 AM
I have a 5min video with 63 tracks. About 6-8 tracks have video that comes in and out in different places. The balance is effects, lower thirds and text.

My comp is an i7 970 with 12GB ram, a 160GB solid state system drive and a 500GB media drive. It should be plenty for anything.

Rendering to DNxHD is excruciatingly slow and it won't finish. I saw one person here having issues but there was no post of resolution. Is anyone else having issues or have any ideas about a solution?

I render HD (4.8) in the AVI format in about 30mins with no issues.



Tom Pauncz wrote on 7/22/2011, 6:45 AM
I had a similar problem a few days ago. I changed some things and eventually got it to finish the render. I only had 3 tracks - Video, VO, music.

Not sure what worked, but here's a list.

1. Some stills on the timeline - were large and a couple flickered between the still and a red frame on preview. Reduced the size and resolution of the stills.

2. Played with the setting of Dynamic Ram - lowered and raised it with varying results - in this case, the higher the better.

3. Rebooted a couple of times.

I am on 10.0e, 32bit on WinXP-SP3.

LReavis wrote on 7/22/2011, 3:05 PM
My rendering problems ended when I switched to Win7-64 bits and rendered with Vegas 9d-64bits (I still edit in 8c).

However, I do use BCC7 in Vegas 10, and haven't had a crash yet. But I only render the BCC7 portion, then put that clip on the 9d-64 TL. Life has been good.

I know it's a total drag to re-install programs if you go with Win7-64, but chances are good that you can migrate without having to reinstall. I tried Paragon migrate tool without success, but found I didn't need it anyway. Can't remember the details, but I posted them on this forum - maybe 9 months ago (click my username and look for a likely-sounding title for the post).

Of course, some old computers can't run 64-bit OS; then life gets complicated.

Wishing you the best - Larry