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Subject:Controlling The S's in the vocals.
Posted by: TeNasty
Date:9/9/2001 1:35:52 AM

Does any audio junkies out there know of any filters or tricks to control(reduce)the ssssss in "S" words of the vocal tracks. Thanks

Subject:RE: Controlling The S's in the vocals.
Reply by: garrigus
Date:9/9/2001 3:03:32 PM

Hi TeNasty,

Select your audio data, then choose Effects>Dynamics>Multiband. Then choose the Reduce Loud Sibilants preset. That should help.


Scott R. Garrigus - Author of the Cakewalk Power!, Sound Forge Power!, and SONAR Power! books, and Publisher of the DigiFreq music technology newsletter. Learn about more cool music technology tips and techniques, and win free music products by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... go to:

Subject:RE: Controlling The S's in the vocals.
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:9/9/2001 11:47:55 PM

That would work, but usually takes too much extra time. I usually take a big gob of tar and crame it between the vocalists gap between their front teeth and seal that puppy closed. That's usually where that "S" whistling sound is created from and I'm a firm believer in getting rid of the sound from the source cause. So just keep a tube of black Tar #39 by your mixing board when tracking vocals and never have to use a de-esser again.

Subject:RE: Controlling The S's in the vocals.
Reply by: jgalt
Date:9/10/2001 2:10:07 PM

I'm not overly fond of many vocalists so I recommend duct tape over the mouth. BTW Smooth under Smooth/Enhance also does good work on slight sibilants.

Subject:RE: Controlling The S's in the vocals.
Reply by: Eniregnat
Date:9/12/2001 5:21:56 PM

I can see a lot of love for the "tallant" here.

Cheap solutions,
Use the deesser on your gate/expander/compressor if you have one.

Build your own deesser. (Basicly 2 capastors and 2 resistors on a ballanced set up) Plans can be found on the internet. If you have some old XLR cables, chop one of them up to save on the cost.- Or steal some from a hated-soon to be ex- coworker.

No anger or sarcasum (or spell check) on this board!

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