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Subject:How to preview effect for longer time or on selected area
Posted by: The_Tango
Date:9/12/2001 11:00:50 AM

The preview function only does a short area at the first of a file. How can I preview a selected area or a longer time?


Subject:RE: How to preview effect for longer time or on selected area
Reply by: Eniregnat
Date:9/12/2001 11:21:18 AM

Limit previews to ... [You choose time.]

Select the area that you want to process and the start of that segment will be previewd.

Long preview times take more time and require more processing time. The loops can also be annoying. (But you can press stop at any time.)

Subject:RE: How to preview effect for longer time or on selected area
Reply by: The_Tango
Date:10/6/2001 9:34:12 AM

Under - Options / Preferences.
There is nothing about the time limit. There isn't anything about preview.

I have XP does that make a difference?


Subject:RE: How to preview effect for longer time or on selected area
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:10/6/2001 11:11:13 AM

It's options>Preferences>Previews (tab).
Pretty self explanatory if you keep looking.

Subject:RE: How to preview effect for longer time or on selected area
Reply by: The_Tango
Date:10/7/2001 11:28:49 AM

I have select [Options / Preferences]. A small windows opens - in it is two rows of items - they are.

Perform Status Toolbars Wave Video
General CreateCD Display Editing File

There is NO preview!


Subject:RE: How to preview effect for longer time or on selected area
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:10/7/2001 10:04:45 PM

Hmmmmm, I don't have a copy of SF XP, maybe this is a limitation then of that version or it's located somewhere else.
Sorry, I can't help ya then.

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