sadly enough

llornkcor2 wrote on 9/8/2001, 6:39 PM
I purchased CDA a mere two years ago. I paid good, hard earned money for it. More than what I thought ANY software was worth. I am not wealthy, I am a musician. I expected that I could get updates for more than a few weeks. Sadly tho., well you all know...

CDA is the ONLY music cd writing software that feels professional to me. All others have this silly, teeny-bopper goofy feel to them, and none of them have the features of CDA, and who knows if they write red-book.

Now supposedly, my cdrw, HP 9100+, is listed as supported. BUT it doesn't show up in the list, unless I use the MMC or whatever it is. BUT it won't actually burn anything. Originally I used a Ricoh M6200S, but has since been in need of repair.

What if car manufacturers dropped support for cars and parts a few years after they made them???
'Sorry, we don't make starters for your 1997 Ford Mustang anymore. You'll have to buy a Chevy Grand Prix'.

Anyway- I just wanted to vent, and let Sonic Foundry know that I feel I have been diss'd.
Yes, I have even purchased SF5,( and Acid Pro) but feel the limited track-at-once only feature is unprofessional, and dropping support for CDA is equally unprofessional. I am greatly disappointed by the decision to drop it.



TheMiracle wrote on 9/9/2001, 10:24 PM
I Have To said That CD Architect Is The Only Piece Of Soft i have purchased over my years, and i have to say that i was so lucky, first i was burning with the creative 8 4 32, with the mmc compatible drive, and now, im doing cd red book compilance at 12x with my new creative 12 10 32, if you want the most of the cda, buy it