Anyone Tried the opening of Modern Family?

kraz wrote on 5/30/2011, 11:21 AM
do you know Modern Family? It has a very cool opening ...
The coolest part of course is the last frame of one sequnce becoming the still in the picture frame of the next ..

I wanted to take a shot at recreating it .... (also a good way to play with a Boris 2 week trial - first used corner pin - then match move...)

(very rough - just working on the proof of concept and best way to do this

My weakest point is that when I switch to the next scene - I am not sure what to put in the picture frame.
A frame JPEG of the last full image?
A subclip of the last frame?

Also, since I need to zoom very far into the image and pull back fast ... the start of the image (which is actually the previous image) gets fuzzy

would love any other ideas - specifically ways to have the images be in focus all the way ..



Steve Mann wrote on 5/30/2011, 7:24 PM
Very well done. I've never watched the show but you nailed the corner pins. Last frame? Just zoom in on the black frame. like the original.

I'm impressed. And that's not easy.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 5/30/2011, 7:54 PM
That's pretty good (never watched the show). Why not use nested veg's & have the last frame me a hold of the end of the veg file?

You also do a fade between the scenes, they don't, the picture frame hold the next scene.
john_dennis wrote on 5/30/2011, 7:54 PM
I think you did a great job.

When the young lady turns over the picture at around 13 seconds, you could use track motion, 3D Source Alpha to rotate the inset video with the frame with a fade to black. Of course, if I did it she would be forty-two years old for her event.
kraz wrote on 5/30/2011, 9:41 PM
Wow - Thanks guys, I am honored (honestly) to hear you guys think it is good.

The thing I am not happy with, is that when we switch to a new picture when I am focused on the very zoomed in picture inside of the picture is it fuzzy (also the reason why I have been transitioning.) - looking for ideas on that ... (or I could just have too much info in too small an area ..)

also would love it is someone can point to info /tutorial on
"use track motion, 3D Source Alpha to rotate the inset video with the frame"
to have the image rotate with the frame

thanks again - if it looks much better once finish I will repost ..