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Subject:Recording troubles!!!!
Posted by: djphilth
Date:9/5/2001 9:24:42 PM

hopefully someone can help - i am recording a continuous mix cd and seem to be having some recording problems. when i record and then playback, there are only some songs that sound kind garbled, like a bass kick is not being recorded and then the timing is messed up for a few seconds. it basically sounds like my record is skipping (which it is not!). the input volume is low enough so i am not maxing that out. sample rate is 44100 Hz, 16bit, stereo. i don't know if it an aliasing problem or if it a nyquist frequency problem????

any thoughts.


Subject:RE: Recording troubles!!!!
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:9/6/2001 5:10:06 PM


Tell us more about your recording setup, ie, OS, disk make and speed, processor, motherboard, RAM, version and bulid of Sound Forge, etc. That'll help us to better assist you in identifying the cause of your dillema.

Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: Recording troubles!!!!
Reply by: djphilth
Date:9/6/2001 10:01:51 PM

Nick - sorry, i should have put that first of all...

I am using Windows ME, Intel Pentium III (1000 MHz), 256 MB RAM, 40GB HD (7200 rpm)... using SF 5.0.

I tried lowering the input volume even more and it seems to help a bit. Changing the sampling rate to 48000 Hz, also helps a bit, but there are still some minor errors that occur.


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