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Subject:Missing ActiveX Menu
Posted by: salvo
Date:9/6/2001 2:08:37 AM

I am a new user with Windows 2000, SF 5.0d build 229, and NR 2.0a. AnalogX DXMan confirms that NR exists. When I start up SF, I get a RUNDLL error: "Error loading C:\PROGRA~\Sonic" "The specified module could not be found". With a wave file open, I have no DirectX menu to give me access to NR. Chainer gives me an empty list to choose from.

Subject:RE: Missing ActiveX Menu
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:9/6/2001 9:23:10 AM

Sound Forge 5.0 does require DirectX 8.0, so make sure that you have installed that as well. There is also a DV update from Microsoft. Both are linked from here:


Subject:RE: Missing ActiveX Menu
Reply by: salvo
Date:9/7/2001 1:16:34 AM

Yes, I have DirectX V8.0 ( and Microsoft's Digital Video for this version. I am puzzled by the RUNDLL error. Why would it be using antiquated 8.3 short file names? In my W2K I have NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation set on (ie, short names disabled). And sure enough, "..\Sonic Foundry" has no short name equivalent. I'll re-enable short names and see if I can make any headway.

Subject:RE: Missing ActiveX Menu
Reply by: salvo
Date:9/7/2001 2:21:37 AM

Okay! That did the trick. :-) The root cause of this appears to be some DLL within Sound Forge that is designed to use only short file names. Some of us (me included) have decided that short names are a thing of the past (re: DOS) and thought it best to disable short names (and I have done just fine for the past eight months of using W2K, until I started using Sound Forge). Short names are controlled in the following registry: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Filesystem\NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation' where a value of 1 disables short names. I restored it to a value of 0 (BTW, this is the default setting for a newly installed W2K), recreated 'C:\Program Files\Sonic Foundry' and 'C:\Program Files\Sonic Foundry\Sound Forge 5.0', and I was good to go.

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