Workflow for non-simultaneous takes

CClub wrote on 5/15/2011, 4:42 AM
[I couldn't think of an easier way to entitle this post]:
I've worked with many projects where I have 3-4 cams running at the same time, I import the footage into Vegas, sync with PluralEyes....

But for the first time recently, I recorded a short film. We used the Panasonic GH2, and recorded 3-4 takes of each scene one after the other. I won't be syncing with PluralEyes, as the takes aren't simultaneous. How are people editing when you record multiple takes in succession?

I.e., how are you viewing the takes to determine which section you're using of one particular take, and then how are you splitting with a portion of another take? Do you line the tracks up vertically and still use Vegas's multicam workflow? If so, how are you dealing with the differing audio tracks?

Or are you lining them up one after another in the same track and then splicing?


winrockpost wrote on 5/15/2011, 5:28 AM
If your multiple takes are different setups, close up.wideshot etc,we line the clips on the timeline track 1,2,3,4 and simply switch tracks on and off and split/ trim on the line, or use multicam if its not talking heads with audio . If it is all the same setup we use the trimmer and just pick the best shot or whatever viewer works for you to log the shots
erikd wrote on 5/15/2011, 10:06 AM
I haven't had to do this myself but if you right click drag a clip from your project folder onto an existing event on the timeline, you are given an option to "add as take". This option will allow you to lay in your different takes and more easily switch between them. Writing this quickly as I leave so hoping it makes sense to you.
