Smartest way to do Pan Freeze Pan (Freeze Pan)

kraz wrote on 5/5/2011, 12:47 AM
Hi All,

I have a clip of people around a table the I took - doing a pan ....

What is the smartest way to freeze the pan on someone for a few seconds .. then go on to the next person then freeze etc..

I sometimes make a still of the frame I want to freeze and then go back to the video
but is there a better way to do it - I remember reading something about slowing speed to zero?



ushere wrote on 5/5/2011, 12:49 AM
velocity envelope.....

that said, are they talking or is there a vo?
Byron K wrote on 5/5/2011, 2:03 AM
Yes, as Ushere said, velocity envelope is the easiest way to create freeze frame. Just r/click on the event select Insert/Remove Envelope and select Velocity Envelope.

Just double click 2 points on the envelope line where you want the freeze frame. R/click on the 2nd point and select Set To... and type in 0.

If you want the video to start moving again, just create 2 more points on the envolope line, r/click on the 2nd of these two new points and Set To... 100. The video will start playing at normal speed.

This method is nice because it allows you t control how fast the video transitions a stop and back to normal playback.

Another way to do this is to create a subclip of 1 frame. Just split the clip where you want the freeze frame.

Press the right or left arrow to move cursor over 1 frame and press "s" to split the frame again.

Highlight the single frame, r/click and select Create Subclip.

Now you can extend that clip as long as you like.

Others on may have better techniques they may like to share.
kraz wrote on 5/5/2011, 4:49 AM
Thanks both of you - I will try it.

In fact the Subclip sound like a better way to do what I have been doing with the snapshot ... so if I don't need to slow down before freeze I may use that.

Sorry o add another topic - but I notice that when I make a subclip it does not (always) save the audio just the video ... how can I make sure it save the audio too?

Byron K wrote on 5/5/2011, 11:38 AM
>I notice that when I make a subclip it does not (always) save the audio just the video ...

Not sure what you mean. Do you want the audio of the 1 frame subclip looping? I delete the audio track and usually fill the freeze frame audio w/ background audio from another section of the clip.

BTW, another way to do this is to just take a snapshot of the frame that you want to freeze by clicking on the snapshot icon at the top of the preview window. I believe that Vegas 10 will automatically take the snap shot in best full.
robwood wrote on 5/5/2011, 12:18 PM
smart or suicidal? but works great.

00) set Auto-Ripple to on

0) begin pan clip
1) select the frame u want to freeze
2) right-click the frame > select Create Subclip
3) stretch subclip to desired length
4) continue pan clip
5) repeat 1-4

666) set Auto-Ripple to off

the nice thing is u can re-edit easily if u wanna retime one of the freezes after previewing.


edit: o but u all beat me to it! o well
kraz wrote on 5/6/2011, 12:29 AM
My question about the sub-clip was not in the context of this solution - obviously for one frame it is not needed.

I was asking about a general issue with sub-clips - but I will post it as its own if needed
Byron K wrote on 5/7/2011, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the tip Rob!
I haven't tried the Auto-Ripple freeze frame method. Definitely give it a go.