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Subject:Rendering problems with ACID 3.0b
Posted by: Indope
Date:9/3/2001 7:28:31 AM

My system:
1x 256 DRR Dimm
800 AMD Duron
32MB Video Memory
Windows ME (My system-performance is perfect!, All new drivers and thingz)
(Good for ACID 3.0b I think?!)

When I render a project into 1 wav-file,
the end product isn't good (Clicks, Noise)
When I play it in ACID its perfect!

What's happin'

Subject:RE: Rendering problems with ACID 3.0b
Reply by: oofunk
Date:9/4/2001 5:35:46 AM

I have had the same problem!! Rendering 30min tracks.

I dont know what causes it but i found that if you render in say 10min sections it works ok. Just make a loop and when you render select Render Loop region only. Then just piece the resulting wavs in Cool edit or similar.

Cant be to do with machine specs as i have a AMD K7 700 with 256Mb and about 35Gb free disk space!!

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