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Subject:SF looses play ability.
Posted by: Eniregnat
Date:8/31/2001 3:23:31 PM

Technical support is working with me, but I still have no resolution to this problem.

This happens from time to time with SoundForge 4.5. I have the 5.0 upgrade and it happens about every five minuets. The program can be haply playing a segment of audio and it just stops. The program does not freeze, just the audio.
Other sounds play through the card, but I have to reboot to get Sound Forge to work.

I am running SF 4.5 and 5.0 (Will delete 4.5 when 5.0 is working better)
on a WinTell machine running Windows 2000 serv pak.2.
I have the NoiseReduction plug ins (Very useful!)
Turtle Beach Montego II sound card using Aureal audio drivers (most recent.)

At this point I am at a loss. I will be working with hundreds of hours of audio and I need to have SF up and running perfecly.
I don't want to buy a new computer to run SoundForge on, but I may have to. Before I have my employer purchace a new computer I would like some input.

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