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Subject:Acid Pro 3 freezes
Posted by: SalemCrow
Date:8/29/2001 12:35:19 PM

I just bought Acid Pro 3 on Monday. I brought it home and installed it, and had no problems. I loaded an Acid 2 project I made, and added new things to it and it worked fine. Here's the problem. When I tried to use it Monday night, just clicking on a wav to get a sample of it in the sample box would freeze the program, causing me to restart my system. It does this every time I try to open a file and start playing it. I downloaded the 3.0b update, and it still does it. Does anyone know why it's doing this?
Also, I couldn't save in any other file formats other than an acd* format. I know that with 3.0 you're supposed to be able to save in a lot more formats. What gives?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes yeeeeep
Reply by: DJ_BerndtSKI
Date:8/30/2001 12:45:45 AM

same problem, i upgraded with the same situation and my computer keeps freezing and hanging at the least convient times when using acid

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: ssazman
Date:8/30/2001 1:46:03 PM

I have been having freezing problems as well. I have not yet done the update but I should be recieving some files from technical support called msizap.exe and Acid3.bat. I have not yet recieved these files. I would like to be in contact with people trying to fix these glitching and freezing problems. Maybe together we can solve this. My email is Other suggestions given to me by tech support are that my IRQ's may be conflicting. Turns out that my sound and graphics card are on the same IRQ by default and they cannot be switched since they are part of the computers origional hardware. But this was never a problem with 2.0. Does anyone who has this problem not have IRQ conflicts? It would be nice to eleminate this as a possibility. They also suggested that I reduce my screen during playback to see if that helps, it still freezes, so I think that it is not a graphics issue. I have tried various combinations of busses and fx being on/ off etc... and it changes my results, but sooner or later it always crashes. I love this product, but all these bugs are killing the creative process and I will give it up if I can't fix it. Shane

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: SalemCrow
Date:8/30/2001 3:38:56 PM

I emailed Tech Support and was told to try updating my drivers for my sound and video cards. Problem, I have no clue how to do it. I was under the impression that AP3 would work fine since the free download of AP2 did.
You can email me at

I do not want to return this just because I'd have to buy a newer soundcard. I just spent all the free money I had on this because I heard it was the best.


Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: perro
Date:8/30/2001 8:49:25 PM

I have the same problem. Can any one help? I have no tolerance for buged software.

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: micromusic
Date:8/30/2001 11:30:41 PM

yeah, i've got the same problem as well, it locks when accessing the explorer window. on my first pc (win98se) it is because i'm using a usb hard drive to store my samples. acid 2.0 works fine with the drive & 98se, and acid 3.0b works fine with the drive & win2000. but with 3.0b & 98se it crashes about 90% of the time, sometimes even when acid is just started. it sucks. i downloaded all the windows usb & buslink usb hard drive patches i could find (and every other system patches & upgrades) but to no avail.

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:8/31/2001 10:35:48 AM


You need to right click on my computer icon on desktop and select properties, then click Device Manager tab, Then double click Display adapter and highlight the Video Card and select properties. This will tell you your video card type. Then go to the web site or whoever makes your video card and download the drivers for The correct Windows that your using. After you download them see if there is a readme file with it and it will tell you the instructions on how to update the drivers. If you go into The Device Manager again you can update the drivers from there as well. If the file you download is a Zip file you should unzip to a folder, and guide windows to the new drivers during update process. I know this all sounds confusing but its worth a try and you can do the sound card the same way.
You can E-Mail me if you need any help, click on my name.

See ya, Rockit

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:8/31/2001 3:22:34 PM

To add to what Rockit suggested, you all might also want to try "end tasking" everything except "Explorer" and "Systray". (The good ol' three finger salute: Ctrl+Alt+Del and highlight any active app and click "End Task." Might have to wait a couple of moments for the program to finally terminate with another window saying the program is not responding. Just click "End Task" again.)

Then try running ACID again and see if it still freezes.


Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: ssazman
Date:8/31/2001 5:16:26 PM

ACID 3.0 PRO freezes and glitches during playback.

Here is what knowledge I have acquired so far. If anyone is interested I would like to run through every possible solution until we find ones that work. If there are none then this product is , sadly, a bust.

I am running...
Product: ACID PRO 3.0
Product Version and Build: 3.0 build 189
Windows Version: 98SE
RAM: 256
Processor Speed: 450mgHtz (pentium III)
Sound Card: soundblaster audio pci128d (Digi 001 as an option)
Hard drive: 7200 RPM and 8.5 sec avg seek time.(not great , but sufficient for protools)

Sound pops and glitching.
Freezing of system with varying amounts of tracks (10-21 so far) and FX (tried with and without).
During playback scrolling across the screen is incredibly slow.
Also while dragging a loop screen scrolling is incredibly slow.
When I try to convert to wav. or Mp3 on the most afflicted conversions gets to approximately 50% and freezes.
When it freezes sometimes it will unfreeze in about 5 mins, other times I have to end task. I have not had to totally reboot yet.

The solutions I have so far recieved and there results (if I have tried them).

1 Isolate the problem : begin playback on the song that is giving you the problems and then minimize Acid during playback and see if Acid does not freeze.
----I tried this, it still froze. i.e. it is not a graphics issue?

2 update your video and sound card drivers
----I right click on my computer, go to properties, then to Device Manager. In each hardware peice I click properties, in properties I go to the Driver tab (if there isn't one, you're in the wrong place). In that tab there should be an "Update driver" button. I updated or attempted to update (had the best driver available) my drivers.
----In the end this did not help.

3 Uninstall Acid. Save the msizap.exe to the root of your C drive and then double click on the Acid3.bat file. Once you have done this reinstall Direct X 8 and then reinstall Acid.
----I would love to try this. I am on my third attempt to actually recieve these files from SF. The files are to large for hotmail so I have twice sent them a different address. Nothing yet, still hoping (yeah I know, patience is a virtue, but for the cost of this software I want it to work correctly)

4 Recommend that you check your IRQ sharing/conflicts in System Information located under system tools. Ideally you would want
your video card and audio cards on their own IRQ's. If you need to change the IRQ that an item is listed on, you will need to Right Click on your My Computer icon and choose Properties. Once you have done this, you will need to find the device you would like to change, then right click on that and choose Properties. Once you have done this, you will be able to click over to the Resources tab and set the IRQ request to a different resource.
---- Unfortunately it seems that both my graphic and sound card are on IRQ 11. Those are the defaults for the hardware. They cannot be changed until I get more hardware. This has never caused me any trouble with any other program before, and since shrinking ACID during playback eleminates the graphic element of this problem and it still freezes I still think it is not an IRQ conflict. Anyone out there know if an IRQ conflict would always happen at the same place in a song, even if that spot in the song is uneventful (nothing special there)?

5 Try to turn down your Video Card Acceleration. Right click on your My
computer Icon, then choose Properties - on this page you will be able to choose the performance tab and then hit the Graphics button. There will be a slider that you are able to move the Left (none). Once you have tried this, you will need to restart your computer.
----I did this and it didn't help at all. So I put it back where it was. Again I am convinced this is not a graphics issue.

6 I tried to open a song that is causing trouble and open another ACID 3.0 screen and then peice by peice copy the whole song over to see if it would get past its major glitch point (about 5 seconds before 3 mins, almost every time, if I start from the beginning. Otherwise between 2-3 mins from where ever I start). This didn't help. Next I am going to rewrite the entire peice in 2.0 if I can't get this fixed.

7. I also tried to record a rough mix into sound fourge (at least the peices I could get and then splice together) but the recorded peices always ended up with pops and glitches. (this could be my sound card, or it could be ACID, since ACID has been doing this on basic playback).

Things left to try:
As suggested by Md, eleminate all things except explorer and system tray from your ctrl+alt+del box. Though it should work with my basic applications running (maybe not Norton anti-virus, but simple programs like my mouse app.)

Install upgrade- I am about to..let you know if it helps.

And install the files they suggested, which I will when I get.

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: SalemCrow
Date:9/1/2001 6:31:14 PM

I tried to update my drivers and it said the most recent version is installed on my comp already. That scratches that option for me. I am seriously thinking about returning this to the store and getting my money back. I have a friend I'm going to talk to about this, and then I'll decide if I'm going to return it or not... A waste of money if the thing doesn't even work... :/

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: thenoizzbox
Date:9/2/2001 10:05:48 AM


Before you return the product, please provide more information about your system so that we might help troubleshoot your problems. I myself ordered Acid Music 3.0 last Tuesday and got it on Thursday. It's running fine on my machine without glitches, freezes or crashes. My only regret is not getting Acid Pro right away. I've had Sound Forge 5.0 for a couple months too and that is also running fine on my system.

As for your problems, have you tried the usual supsects like running Scandisk on your system and running defrag on your hard drive. You might also try going to Start>Run and typing scanreg then clicking OK. This checks the registry. If none of this helps I'd make sure that your Virtual Memory settings are set to the default which is to let Windows handle it. You get there by right clicking the My Computer icon on your desktop, choosing Properties then the Performance tab and clicking the Virtual Memory button (that's in Win 98SE, your OS may be slightly different).

Hope this helps a little...

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:9/2/2001 11:04:44 AM


I agree, give as much info as you can. I would like to also know if you have Acid 2.0 still installed, because there was a guy in this forum that was told to uninstall both Acid's and reinstall Acid 3.0 first and that solved his problems. Nothing else anybody suggested would work, but for some reason this did. So give it a shot. After you uninstall both programs and backup all your songs, delete both directories that are left over from the uninstall, and start fresh and don't for get to Cntl,Alt,-Del all programs closed exept systray and explorer before reinstalling.
Also would'nt hurt to defrag drives before reinstalling.

Good Luck, Rockit

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:9/2/2001 3:14:00 PM

Both SalemCrow and Rockit have an extremely good point. I'm not having any problems using ACID Pro 3.0b either. The biggest reason I think why is because it's so important to have a system that's been optimized and maintained, which is something I do almost religiously. (Hey, this *is* Windows after all.) ;o)

Solutions to problems (and preventing them in the first place) can be as simple as routinely performing a combination of ScanDisk and Disk Defragmenter (in that order) at least every two weeks.


Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: SalemCrow
Date:9/2/2001 5:08:26 PM

I uninstalled AP2 BEFORE I installed 3.. I knew to do that before hand. I'll see if I can try the things you guys suggested...

I'll try and round up my system info to see if it'll help...

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: SalemCrow
Date:9/3/2001 11:57:39 AM

I tried your suggestions. Still freezes.

I'll uninstall it again, remove the directory, defrag again, and clear out the ctrl+alt+del box before reinstalling....

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: SalemCrow
Date:9/3/2001 5:35:33 PM

Ok, uninstalling, and removing files associated with it, defragging, and removing all the other progs running in the crtl+alt+del window then reinstalling AP3 didn't stop the freezing....

This is what I'm running:

Intel Celeron Processor (Pentium 2)
Windows 98 SE
Creative Sound Blaster Audio64D
SB AudioPCI 64D Legacy Device
PCI bus

and I have over 70% memorey space free...

I don't know a lot of tech stuff about computers so this is all stuff I found listed in My Computer.

I am really thinking about returning this product unless I can figure out why it's not working...

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: ssazman
Date:9/3/2001 10:37:28 PM

Hello, I don't have a lot of tech knowledge either but they recommend 128 MB of RAM in the manual. And maybe with an older processor and the minimum RAM your processor just can't handle it. Have you tried your software on any other machines? If it functions there at least you'll know it is your system and not the software you got. Then you might be able to isolate and upgrade (even though you spent all your money, already). It's worth a try.

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:9/3/2001 10:43:40 PM


RAM! It's real cheap right now and I think thats your problem, I suggest getting a 256 Chip, 128 Minimum. Best Buy has 256 Chips for about $50.00 and thats going to really make an improvement. If you can upgrade to a Pentium not Celeron, that would help too, because Celerons run at a buss speed of 66MHz and Pentiums run at 100MHz buss speed. This is a different speed than the processor it self, it's the buss speed in the mother board. When you see 77% free resources under your amount of ram, that is not the free ram you have, that is free user resources for the processor, Not the Ram. You could pick up a 600MHz PII or PIII for about $100.00, So for $150.00 you could be running alot faster. Try to find somebody that can check your mother board out to see how far you can upgrade.

Good Luck, Rockit

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: SalemCrow
Date:9/4/2001 8:25:04 AM

I've got the box right in front of me. It says:

300Mhz processor (not sure if I have)
Windows compatible sound card (have)
CD-ROM drive (have)
~ 64 MB RAM ~ (have)
60MB hard-disk space for installation (have)
Microsoft Win 98 SE, Me, or 2000 (have)
Internet Explorer 5.0 or later (have)

According to this, the program SHOULD work.

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:9/4/2001 12:08:29 PM

Yes, You have 64 Meg of ram, but Windows just sitting idle on desktop is using about 32 Meg of that ram, so you only have 32 Meg left to run programs with, and the processor minimum is only to run straight tracks, you won't be able to get any effects to run out of that. This program is capable of using alot or resources, and even the fastest machine will most likely have some limits.

See ya, Rockit

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 3 freezes
Reply by: SalemCrow
Date:9/4/2001 9:53:02 PM

Since it appears the need for more RAM is the cause of MY problems, it looks like I'll be uninstalling 3.0 and reinstalling 2.0 until I can get the money for more RAM...
*mumbles* Wasting money on a program that is just going to collect dust for who knows how long... *mumbles*

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