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Subject:SF5: Record mono
Posted by: stauffer
Date:8/29/2001 10:48:05 PM

Is there any way to record one channel as mono? Because I only want
the left channel, I currently record stereo and then copy the left
channel to get a mono file with only the left channel. Is there an easier
way to do that?

Subject:RE: SF5: Record mono
Reply by: SonicJon
Date:8/30/2001 9:31:05 AM

No there is no other way to record just the left channel in Sound Forge. You could go into Vegas Audio LE which does allow you to select the right or left channel when recording.

Subject:RE: SF5: Record mono
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:8/30/2001 9:38:48 AM

Or you can record in "Mono" mode and then disconnect the right input to your sound card, if you are recording from an analog source.

Subject:RE: SF5: Record mono
Reply by: stauffer
Date:8/30/2001 10:16:10 AM

Since left and right are mixed the volume is greatly reduced when you do that.

Subject:RE: SF5: Record mono
Reply by: stauffer
Date:8/30/2001 10:39:43 AM

How do Vegas Audio and Sound Forge differ? It appears that major
difference is that VA supports more tracks but SF is more expensive so
there must be something more.

Subject:RE: SF5: Record mono
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:8/31/2001 5:59:07 PM

Yes, that is true, but you said you only wanted the Left side, thus you don't want to mix them. You can always increase the volume once you have it recorded into sound forge.

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