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Subject:SF5: Cut list inefficient
Posted by: stauffer
Date:8/29/2001 10:45:29 PM

It appears that when a cut list is processed it basically does individual
cuts instead of processing them all at once. i.e. If there are 5 portions
to cut the end of the file will be copied forward 5 times instead of only
1 time. Is this correct? Is there anything that I can do to correct this?

Subject:RE: SF5: Cut list inefficient
Reply by: stauffer
Date:3/30/2004 7:10:31 AM

Do any of the newer version handle this any better? I am still on SF5 but would upgrade.

Subject:RE: SF5: Cut list inefficient
Reply by: Sonic
Date:3/30/2004 7:19:02 AM

Sound Forge 6.0 and later has a significantly different (non-destructive) architecture from previous versions that speeds up a number of operations like this. Cut/paste (and presumably cutlist) operations are essentially instantaneous while editing, though it may take a little longer to save once you decide to render the file. It's much more "pay-at-the-end" than "pay-as-you-go" and most users find it's better for their productivity.

But don't take my word for it. Try the demo (available on this website).


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