RedGiant drop / magic bullet looks - Sony Vegas

cal79 wrote on 3/23/2011, 6:32 AM
RedGiant announced that all future development and support for Sony vegas plugins will be dropped, so no more magic bullet looks, They informed me that it was because of poor sales, thats very disturbing becasue it's almost becoming standard to use colour grading in this industry, and to loose the leading developer in my opinion is a big blow to the future continued success of Sony Vegas Software, Sony should have made an effort to keep RedGiant on board? Users of Vegas Pro should make your voice be heard let them know there is a damand.

As much as I like VASST, Borris, and New Blue FX products, when it comes to colour grading they just don't cut it, you have to put it twice the effort to achieve the desired results, RedGiant's MBL has a much better interface with nicer presets and a much faster workflow.

Vegas Users need to bombard both Sony and RedGiant with calls, emails and request to bring back MBL support, if not Vegas as a serious editing tool is doomed to fail.


TheHappyFriar wrote on 3/23/2011, 6:39 AM
Already posted & discussed quite a bit:

The solution it looks to be is to buy Boris FX/Red & then get the MBL plugin for Boris. There's no Boris FX for Vegas 64 yet though. However, there's no MBL for 64-bit Vegas either, so it's really a moot point.
cal79 wrote on 3/23/2011, 7:56 AM
Thanks for the links,

If we can get enough Vegas users to come together together and have everyone send out an email request to both SonySoftware and RedGiant on the same day, maybe we can move forward?

What about aranging a date and have all vegas users bombard both companies with requests for continued support? they might take notice.
Dreamline wrote on 3/23/2011, 4:53 PM
The solution is to buy Adobe if Vegas doesn't step up its game. Your convoluted solution stinks and does not offer 64 bit support. Boris is way late to the game. Adobe has raised the bar time and time again. Vegas is dying a slow death as more and more functions are being taken away. The Adobe suite has everything, while sony has less and less. Do the Math. There is no argument.

There are none as blind as those who won't see. The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Get a clue. Vegas is dead in the water.
robwood wrote on 3/23/2011, 5:23 PM
^^ Mr. Happy
winrockpost wrote on 3/23/2011, 5:37 PM
Boris is late in the game... seriously dream,, Boris has been around probably longer than you have not had a clue
TheHappyFriar wrote on 3/23/2011, 7:38 PM
The solution is to buy Adobe if Vegas doesn't step up its game. Your convoluted solution stinks and does not offer 64 bit support. Boris is way late to the game. Adobe has raised the bar time and time again. Vegas is dying a slow death as more and more functions are being taken away. The Adobe suite has everything, while sony has less and less. Do the Math. There is no argument.

I did the math. Vegas is the way to go for everyone who doesn't want MB, unless you want to buy a 3rd party program. Which is what you have to do if you want to use MB with Adobe anyway: buy a separate program to run it.

EDIT: my solution: buy Boris for $300 & then you can use MBL. Your solution: Buy AE for $1k then you can use MBL. Still 32-bit if you don't have a 64-bit OS. If you do then it's 64-bit for both solutions. Only difference is that Boris works with Vegas, AE doesn't.
Rob Franks wrote on 3/23/2011, 8:49 PM
"Vegas Users need to bombard both Sony and RedGiant with calls, emails and request to bring back MBL support, "
If Vegas users on the whole can't be bothered to purchase, then why should we email?

I seriously doubt Vegas will fold without red giant. Clearly Vegas users (in general) have decided that Red Giant isn't needed.
cal79 wrote on 3/24/2011, 4:05 AM
Hi Dreamline, I know that Adobe has become the leading editor, i've dabbled in it myself, but Vegas has a much faster workflow, cutting edits together is much quicker. if Sony threw more money at Vegas then it could be taken as a serious editing suite, it has the potencial to take on both Apple and Adobe, Sony is a big brand.

Users should support vegas in every way, even if your not bothered about MB, keeping leading developers like RedGiant onboard is important for the future succes of Vegas Pro
ushere wrote on 3/24/2011, 4:24 AM
really can't believe all this fuss over a plugin!!?

get over it or find yourself another nle. simple as that.
Rob Franks wrote on 3/24/2011, 4:59 AM
[i]"really can't believe all this fuss over a plugin!!?'[/I]

Looks worse than it is. So far it's little more than a very small handful of people raising the dust
cal79 wrote on 3/24/2011, 5:39 AM
The fuss is about loosing a leading Developer.. other developers might follow, i'm only trying to stick up for the continued success of Sony Vegas Pro.. users should be supporting that..
Jay Gladwell wrote on 3/24/2011, 5:58 AM

"Which is what you have to do if you want to use MB with Adobe anyway: buy a separate program to run it."

No, you don't.