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Subject:High Frequency Static - how do i get rid of it?
Posted by: fishdisease
Date:8/26/2001 3:59:24 PM

I cant get rid of the high frequency static noise (on the tracks that have it). Anyone know what this noise is technically called and what I would have to adjust to get rid of it. I've tried the equalizer but when you turn down all of the high end channels you lose alot of the treble - any ideas?

Subject:RE: High Frequency Static - how do i get rid of it?
Reply by: jgalt
Date:8/26/2001 4:52:22 PM

If it sounds like impulse noise I would use click removal. Otherwise I'd use the noise removal tool.

Subject:RE: High Frequency Static - how do i get rid of it?
Reply by: Eniregnat
Date:8/27/2001 2:09:21 PM

If you don't have the NoiseReduction 2.0 Plug-in set, try isolating the noise with the Graphic-equilizer- that is if you don't mind loosing some audio quality.

NoiseReduction is well worth the cost!

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