How to Embed Markers in Track?

NaperRick wrote on 2/16/2011, 1:02 PM
My appologies if this is a dumb question...
I have been away from Vegas for several years and now need to create a photo montage for my son's wedding.
I am using Vegas Pro 8.0c and Ultimate S V2
I can put markers on the appropriate beat in the music using the "M" key but the markers are relative to the time line. If I change the music event (remove a verse, for example to make it shorter) on the track my markers no longer are appropriately placed.
Is there a way to embed the markers in the music track event so that Ultimate S will drop the photos in the same place of the song?
I hope this question makes sense...


JohnnyRoy wrote on 2/17/2011, 9:21 AM
> Is there a way to embed the markers in the music track event so that Ultimate S will drop the photos in the same place of the song?

Open the song in the Trimmer and add the markers there and save them with the media. Then when you drop the song on the timeline, the markers will be embedded in it. You can then cut the song up however you'd like (in fact the embedded markers make this a lot easier for cutting on the beat). Finally, before you make your photo montage, use the Markers tab of Ultimate S to extract the embedded markers out to timeline markers and then tell the Photo Montage tab to use the new timeline markers to place the images.

Here is the Training for Ultimate S Pro 4.0 Photo Montage but it's very similar in theory:

NaperRick wrote on 2/17/2011, 10:42 AM
Thanks, I have watched that video and understand how to get the photos to align with the markers.
My concern is since the markers are tied to the timeline, if I move the music left or right on the timeline the markers no longer where they need to be.
I was wondering if there is any way to embed the markers in the music events on the track so if I need to move the music, relative to the timeline, that markers are still on the appropriate beat?
The only way I can think, with my limited Vegas understanding, to accomplish what I want to do is to link the music and photos together, move them, and then have Ultimate S generate new markers on the photo events. I was hoping there might be a more elegant way to do that...
JohnnyRoy wrote on 2/17/2011, 4:21 PM
Markers have no idea what events are. Markers only know the project timeline. If you want to move an event and have the markers move then you need to enable Ripple Edit while you move the event. That will also adjust the markers but it may move other things that you don't want to move so be careful with it.

NaperRick wrote on 2/17/2011, 9:54 PM
Great, I will give that a try.
Thanks John.