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Subject:Reducing interference on drum tracks
Posted by: Djahjah
Date:8/22/2001 8:03:46 AM

Hi, I need some help. I´m new to Soundforge and still learning and I don´t know if my question is of a amateur but i´m trying. I´m a drummer and recorded some drum tracks, but did 2 sessions. On the second one I think the mic was too close to the cymbals so when I hit them very hard a "snap" would come right after the impact sound. It shows up like 3 or 4 times per song. I have to use that session, how can I reduce the snap sound considering it´s not so loud and after I put other instruments over it it will be overcovered. I just need to reduce it. Somebody told me its in the "process" part on the top menu and to put something down to 85%. I cant find it. Can anyone help me?

Subject:RE: Reducing interference on drum tracks
Reply by: JonT
Date:8/22/2001 9:23:33 AM

I had similar problems, and I found out through experimenting that if you use 2 or more mics going through a mixer there are a lot of different sounds you can record just by messing around. Try one mic far away and one mic closer to the drumset. You might need to boost your input volume a bit. Just experiment - that's the fun of it all.

Subject:RE: Reducing interference on drum tracks
Reply by: photon
Date:8/22/2001 10:06:51 AM

I'm no pro here, but have found this to help.

Zoom in and select the offending portion,
go to Process>Smooth/Enhance
and try different settings.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge can give a better method?

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