Raleigh RTP Vegas User Group Thursday 2/10/2011

TeetimeNC wrote on 2/9/2011, 7:18 AM
The Raleigh RTP Vegas User Group is having its 50th meeting tomorrow evening at 6:30. If you are in the Raleigh area we we like it if you could join us. Directions and signup here.

At this meeting we will:

1. Have a 3-light lighting kit set up and explore various ways of setting up lighting for interviews.

2. Learn more about Vegas Pro 10's new 3d capabilities and see some 3d footage shot by member Kevin.

3. Share various Vegas tips and techniques. I will be showing how to easily replace a dull drab sky, as below.



Jon Robbins wrote on 2/10/2011, 3:14 PM
Thanks for the heads up about the Raleigh area users group TeeTime!!!!!

I'm in the Fayetteville area so I won't be able to attend alot of the meetings but looking forward to attending some!!!!!!

Thanks again!!!!